Adding the wrapped app’s key to the Google API Console

Some Google APIs, such as the Google Maps API, can use a Google API key. The key comprises a SHA1 certificate fingerprint and package name. If the app you wrapped uses a Google API key, you have an additional step to perform before deploying the wrapped app. Wrapping the app changes the wrapped app’s API key. You must add the new API key to the Google API Console.

Wrapped app’s Google API key format

The new API key has the following format:

<Ivanti-provided SHA1 certificate fingerprint>;<your wrapped app package name>

Your wrapped app's package name is one of the following:

  • forgepond.<your app package name> if you wrapped the app for use with the Secure Apps Manager
  • appstation.<your app package name> if you wrapped the app for use with the Secure Apps Manager for AppStation

The Ivanti-provided SHA1 certificate fingerprint is:


Therefore, a wrapped app’s new API key, is, for example:


Adding the new API key to Google API console

If the app you wrapped uses a Google API key, wrapping the app changes the wrapped app’s API key. Add the new API key to the Google API Console.


  1. Go to
  2. Login with your Google account.
  3. Click API Manager > Credentials in the left menu.
  4. Create Credentials > API key > Android key.
  5. Name your key.
  6. Add the package name with this format: forgepond.<your package name> or appstation.<your package name>
  7. And the Ivanti-provided SHA1 certificate fingerprint.