Overview of legacy configuration handling
The Ivanti server administrator can set up app-specific configuration on the server for AppConnect for Android apps. This configuration is in the form of key-value pairs. Your app can receive these key-value pairs. Specifically, when you implement configuration handling in your app, your app:
requests the current configuration when it first runs.
Your app then receives an asynchronous response containing the key-value pairs.
receives updates to the configuration.
Ivanti provides the following apps to help you add configuration handling to your Java app:
a sample AppConnect app, HelloAppConnect-oldAPI, that implements configuration handling.
You can use this sample app’s code as a starting point for your own.
an app for testing your app’s configuration handling, without using the Ivanti server, or the Mobile@Work or Go app, and without submitting your app to Ivanti for wrapping.
The testing app that supports the legacy configuration handling is available only in releases prior to AppConnect for Android.
This chapter describes how to receive app-specific configuration in Java apps using the legacy mechanism
Cordova developers
You can implement app-specific configuration in an app by using an Ivanti-provided Cordova plugin. This plugin provides the necessary APIs to receive the app-specific configuration from the Ivanti server.
The Cordova plugin and sample app that uses the legacy mechanism for configuration handling is available only in releases prior to AppConnect for Android. They can be found in
AppConnectCordovaConfigPlugin-w.x.y.z.zip, which contains the the Cordova plugin. (w.x.y.z corresponds to the AppConnect version for Android)
See the README.md in the ZIP file for information on using the plugin.
HelloCordovaAppConnect-w.x.y.z.zip, which contains a sample app that uses the plugin, available as a starting point for your own app.
React Native developers
You can implement app-specific configuration in a React Native app by using Ivanti-provided files that make up a React Native package called ConfigServicePackage.
The package and sample demo app that use the legacy mechanism for configuration handling are available only in releases prior to AppConnect for Android.
The files provide the necessary APIs to receive the app-specific configuration from the Ivanti server. Ivanti provides a sample React Native app called HelloReact that includes:
- all files relating to getting app-specific configuration
- a README.txt with instructions for using the files
- sample code for using the files