MAM-only deployment diagrams

The following provide a visual representation for a MAM-only deployment with MobileIron AppStation:

MAM-only with AppStation

The following shows a MAM-only with AppStation deployment. MobileIron Cloud is set up for MAM-only. The device is not managed, only apps on the device deployed through AppStation are managed.

Figure 1. MAM-only deployment

MAM-only with AppStation and MDM with other platform

The following shows a device on which apps are managed with AppStation, while the device is also managed with another MDM platform.

Figure 2. MAM-only And other MDM on a device

  • Device A is managed (MDM) by MobileIron Cloud.
  • Device B is not managed by your tenant of MobileIron Cloud. MobileIron AppStation is used for MAM-only. The device can also be managed by MobileIron Core or another MDM provider .

    NOTE: MobileIron Go and MobileIron AppStation on the same device is not supported.