New features and enhancements
If a release does not appear in this section, then there were no associated new features and enhancements.

- Support for iOS 14: This release of AppStation provides support for iOS 14.
- Online guides now include previous releases: Online guides are now cumulative, offering information for the current release and at least one previous release.
- Content changes for re-branding and distribution: Product documentation has been re-branded to align with Ivanti standards and is now available on the Ivanti documentation website.

- Privacy disclaimer: Device users see a privacy disclaimer when they register with Cloud using AppStation. Tap Continue to acknowledge the disclaimer and continue with registration. See Register AppStation with Cloud.
- Support for Go and AppStation on the same device: The support allows for the MAM-only use case where you have contractors whose devices are already managed by another instance of Cloud, however, you need to deploy required apps from your instance of Cloud to the device. The supported MAM-only use cases are described in MAM-only use cases with AppStation and Go and AppStation interaction.
- Re-branding: Ivanti has updated the AppStation for iOS icon and user interface color scheme. See What users see in AppStation for iOS.
- Support for Tunnel: iOS managed and AppConnect apps, in a MAM-only AppStation deployment can use Tunnel to access enterprise resources. For more information see Tunnel support