Key Concepts

Supported Platforms

Ivanti Neurons for MDM supports the following mobile platforms:

  • Apple's iOS

  • Google's Android

Understanding the Ivanti Neurons for MDM Account

When creating an Ivanti Neurons for MDM account, you can create an account that provides the user:

  • A PIN for registering a device and user name and password for accessing the admin portal if the user has the required admin rights.

  • A PIN to register a device.

Note: The device registration PIN is good for the first visit to Ivanti Neurons for MDM. There are other device registration authentication types available; Password Only, PIN Only or PIN and Password; for registering devices on subsequent visits to the portal. See Understanding Device Registration Authentication Type.

When creating an account, you can send the user an invitation to connect their device and access the available apps and configurations.

You can find the API calls for creating an account here:

Understanding Device Registration Authentication Type

You can use the Configuring User Device Registration Settings call to set the device registration authentication type to Password Only, PIN Only or PIN and Password for users who visit Ivanti Neurons for MDM a second time and thereafter to register devices. You need to do this so that the /api/v1/account/regpin  call will actually issue a registration PIN.

Overview of System Emails

Ivanti Neurons for MDM sends the following system emails:

Template Name

HTML Template


End-User Invitation to Register (half account - requires PIN)


Admin adds User without specifying a Password (or First Name, Last Name) and selects "Send invitation now" option. OR Admin selects a user and the "Invite User to Register Option". PIN-based invite is also sent when multiplte users are invited with the Add -> Multiple Users.

PIN request


From /go or from within the Ivanti Neurons for MDM app (iOS and Android), user selects "Get a new PIN".

Password request


From /go or from within the Ivanti Neurons for MDM app (iOS and Android), user selects "Reset Password".

End-User Invitation to Register (full account - Requires Password)


Admin adds a single User with a Password and First Name, Last Name specified then selects "Send invitation now" option.

Admin Invitation



Admin Activation


Tenant is created with "sendActivation=true" option whereby Ivanti Neurons for MDM emails the Tenant Admin a link to for setting their login password (typically, the password is emailed to the TA in a Welcome email sent outside Ivanti Neurons for MDM - typically the Purchasing system).

Policy compliance action email



Send Message


Send message from Administrator.

Support Administrators



Note that Ivanti Neurons for MDM does not allow email addresses with the following characters:



. (period)

Glossary of Key Concepts

This section describes key concepts in Ivanti Neurons for MDM.

App Catalog

The App Catalog is a list of the apps available to a specific user or user group.

App Inventory

The App Inventory is the list of all apps installed on all the managed devices.


An app is software that runs a device. Ivanti Neurons for MDM can control access to apps.


Categories organize the apps and content available in the Content Catalog and App Catalog. Users can browse apps and content by their respective categories. Apps and Content both have different set of categories.


Configurations are saved sets of attributes applied to devices.


Content includes business documents of the following types: DOC, PDF, PPT, RTF, TXT, XLS, GIF, JPEG, PNG. The Ivanti Neurons for MDM user interface presents apps and content as differently managed entities.


Ivanti Neurons for MDM manages devices. Devices include:

  • Android phone

  •  Android tablet

  • iPhone

  • iPad

  • iPad-mini

  • Apple TV


A group is a collection of users. You can assign roles to groups which are then inherited by users.


A policy is the combination of a rule and a compliance action. A rule checks and reports on specific conditions of the end user mobile device. A compliance action defines how Ivanti Neurons for MDM responds if the specified condition occurs. Compliance actions include:

  • Monitor the device

  • Send a message to the user

  • Quarantine the device


Ivanti Neurons for MDM supports the following roles:

  • API Roles

    • System Admin – Used for calls to create tenants, perform licensing and site reporting

    • Tenant Admin – Used for all other API calls

  • User and User Group Roles – Assigned to Ivanti Neurons for MDM users and user groups:

Administrative Roles



System Management

If selected, this role includes the System Read Only and User Read Only roles.

User Management

If selected, this role includes the User Read Only role.

Device Management

If selected, this role includes the User Read Only role and the Device Read Only role.

App & Content Management

If selected, this role includes the User Read Only role and the App and Content Read Only role.

Helpdesk Roles



System Read Only

If selected, this role includes the User Read Only role.

User Read Only

Allows grantee view user information.

Device Read Only

If selected, this role includes the User Read Only role.

App & Content Read Only

If selected, this role includes the User Read Only role.