Upgrading the Connector


This section contains information about upgrading the Connector for the following releases:

Previous Release Version R95

If you were previously on Ivanti Cloud Connector, the Cloud Connector will automatically upgrade to

Previous Release Versions before R95

If you were previously on release versions before and upgraded to, execute the following steps as the update includes security fixes, which require a reboot to apply kernel patches that were part of To verify the Connector version in the Admin Console, navigate to Admin > Infrastructure > Connector.


If you have configured DHCP and have manually specified DNS server settings during the initial setup, a Connector reboot following the update to will discard the manually specified DNS server settings. It results in an unrecoverable state caused by the unresolvable DNS settings. Create a new Connector to resolve this with the following steps:

  1. Installing and Configuring the Connector OVA

  2. Deploying Connector in AWS

  3. Installing the Connector ISO Package

If you have configured DHCP but have not manually specified the DNS server addresses, or if you have not used DHCP at all and have manually configured the IP address and DNS servers during the initial setup, follow the steps to update the Kernel after the Connector auto-upgrades to v99.0.0.3:

OVA and AMI-based Connector

  1. SSH to the Connector instance using the Connector administrator user.

  2. Enter the following command:


  3. Enter the privileged password that was set previously to configure the Connector.

  4. Enter the following command to stop the Connector:

    connector stop

  5. Enter the following command to start the Connector:

    connector start

  6. Enter the following command to reboot the Connector:


ISO-based Connector

  1. SSH to the Connector instance using the Connector administrator user.

  2. Enter the following command:


  3. Enter the privileged password that was set previously to configure the Connector.

  4. Enter the following command to reboot the Connector:


If you want to re-configure the Connector, you should wait for an hour after reboot. Repeat the steps for each Connector as required.