Working with default policies

Default policies are the policies applied to a device automatically when it is registered. Default policy values are also used as a starting point when you create a custom policy. Core provides the values for each default policy specification. It is recommended that you create your own policies. You can use the settings in the default policies as a starting point. If you do edit a default policy’s values (not recommended), those new values become the starting point when you create a new custom policy.

Unlike configurations, a device can have only one policy of each type.

Core provides defaults for the following policy types:

  • Security (Refer to Getting Started with MobileIron Core for details.)
  • Privacy (Refer to Getting Started with MobileIron Core for details.)
  • Lockdown (Refer to Getting Started with MobileIron Core for details.)
  • Sync (Refer to Getting Started with MobileIron Core for details.)
  • ActiveSync (See “Working with ActiveSync policies” in the Sentry Guide for Core.)
  • AppConnect global policy (Refer to the AppConnect Guide for Core.)

You cannot delete default policies.

The default settings for each policy type are listed in the section for each type.