Local user password complexity enforcement details

The following table summarizes the fields of the local user password policy when using password complexity enforcement:

Table 1. Fields for local user password complexity enforcement



Default value

Enable Password Complexity Enforcement

Select this field when you want to apply password complexity requirements to local user passwords.


Number of Failed attempts

Specify the number of failed attempts that a local user can make when entering his password.

After this number of attempts, Core does not allow the user to login until the specified auto-lock time has expired. After the auto-lock time expires, each failed login attempt results in Core not allowing the user to login until the auto-lock time expires again.

Valid values are 1 through 16.


Auto-Lock Time

Specify how much time in seconds the local user must wait before he can log in after exceeding the number of failed attempts.

Valid values are 0 through 3600 seconds.


Enforce Passcode History (Last 4 passwords)

Select Enable if you do not want to allow a local user to use the previous 4 passwords when changing his password.

To allow a local user to use the previous 4 passwords, select Disable.


Minimum number of character classes in password

This field is only available when you selected Enable Password Complexity Enforcement.

Select the minimum number of different character classes (lower case, upper case, numeric, and special character) that you require in a password.

For each character class, you select whether it counts towards the minimum number.The minimum number must be less than or equal to the number of character classes you select.

For example, if the minimum number of character classes is 2, you can select 2 or more of the character classes. In this case, if you select Lower Case, Upper Case, and Numeric, the password must contain at least 2 of those character classes.


Lower Case

Select this option if the lower case character class counts towards the minimum number of character classes that you require in a password.

The lower case character class includes the lower case alphabetic characters ‘a’ through ‘z’.


Upper Case

Select this option if the upper case character class counts towards the minimum number of character classes that you require in a password.

The lower case character class includes the upper case alphabetic characters ‘A’ through ‘Z’.



Select this option if the numeric character class counts towards the minimum number of character classes that you require in a password.

The numeric character class includes the characters ‘0’ through ‘9’.


Special Character

Select this option if the special character class counts towards the minimum number of character classes that you require in a password.

The special character class includes these characters:

! = ( { [ _ : - ; ~ , ) } ] @ # ^ | $

Not selected

Min Password Length

Select the minimum number of characters in a password. Valid values are 6 through 16.

For Android devices: When the Don't Care option is set for the Password Type field, the Password Length field does not apply.


Max Password Length

Select the maximum number of characters in a password. Valid values are 21 through 32.