Malware prevention: app reputation
Integration with App authority provides app reputation data for apps detected on managed devices. This information helps you protect your organization from malware.
This section includes the following sub-sections:
- Enabling app reputation
- Confirming configuration of the app reputation service
- Viewing app reputation data
Enabling app reputation
Before using an app reputation service:
- Find out whether or not the service supports the Apps@Work APIs and can be used with Apps@Work
- Get a URL for their service
- Determine the service’s rating range (for example, 0 to 50)
- Determine what the low and high numbers in the service’s rating range indicate (do low numbers indicate a high or low threat?)
- Consider configuring debug mode for MIFS logs (in System Manager).
Debug logs will capture successful configuration. Otherwise, you will have no indication if you mistype the license key for the reputation service. - Go to Settings > Additional Products.
- Click App Reputation.
- Select the Enable App Reputation option.
Use the following guidelines to complete the displayed fields:
Reputation Service URL
Enter the URL your app reputation service provided.
Authentication Type
Select Basic or Token Authentication.
Sepcify a username and password when you select Basic Authentication.
Authentication Key
Provide an authentication key when you select Token Authentication.
Rating Range Low Value
Enter the low number of the service’s range.
Rating Range High Value
Enter the high number of the service’s range.
Rating Scale
Click Low to indicate that apps with ratings lower than the Rating Threshold have the highest threat level (for example, if the range is 0 to 100, and the Rating Threshold is 60, apps with a rating of 60 or below have a high threat rating)
Click High to indicate that apps with ratings higher than the Rating Threshold have the highest threat level (for example, if the range is 0 to 100, and the Rating Threshold is 65, apps with a rating of 65 or more have a high threat rating)
Rating Threshold
Specify the rating you select as the limit for determining whether an app has a high or low threat rating. It is used in combination with Rating Scale to determine the app threat risk.
Check Interval
Select an interval for contacting the reputation service to retrieve updated reputation data:
Daily: Update occurs at midnight each day.
Weekly: Update occurs at midnight between Saturday and Sunday.
Monthly: Update occurs at midnight before the first of the month.
The reputation data is stored on Apps@Work.
The day of the week and time of the update are not configurable.
- Click Save.
An initial sync begins shortly after initial configuration. Thereafter, the Check Interval setting determines when Apps@Work contacts the reputation service.
Confirming configuration of the app reputation service
You can use the following keywords to check the logs for successful configuration of the reputation service:
Viewing app reputation data
The Apps > Installed Apps page displays the information about apps detected on managed devices. Select Detail View to see the app rating and app score columns. Those columns appear if you have enabled app reputation in Settings > Additional Products > App Reputation.
The values that may appear in the App Rating field are listed in the table below.
Table 1. App Reputation Ratings
Rating |
Description |
Not Rated |
With a score of 0 indicates that Apps@Work has not processed the app yet. With a blank score indicates that the app is not currently in the designated service’s database. The app might be new or the service might provide app data only for specific operating systems. |
OK |
Indicates that the app’s score exceeds the threshold specified in the App Reputation settings. |
Risky |
Indicates that the app’s score does not exceed the threshold specified in the App Reputation settings. |
Malware |
Indicates that the app’s score does not exceed the threshold specified in the App Reputation settings. |