Before enabling device registration in the User Portal (iOS devices)

On iOS devices, registering with Ivanti EPMM at http://<EPMM_Server_FQDN>/go does not automatically install Ivanti Mobile@Work on the device. You can prompt device users to install Ivanti Mobile@Work after they complete registration at http://<EPMM_Server_FQDN>/go.

To prompt device users to install Ivanti Mobile@Work, do the following:

  1. In the Admin Portal, go to go to Apps > App Catalog.
  2. Select Quick Import > iOS to manually import Ivanti Mobile@Work from the Apple App Store.

    The App Store Search window opens.

  3. In Application Name, enter Mobile@Work and select Search.

  4. Next to Mobile@Work client, select Import > OK.
  5. Close the App Store Search window.

  6. In the App Catalog's main page, select the Mobile@Work client.

  7. Select Edit.

  8. Under Managed App Settings, select Select installation request or send convert unmanaged to managed app request (iOS 9 and later) on device registration or sign-in.

  9. Select Save.

  10. Select the Back to list link in the upper left corner.

  11. In the App Catalog's main page, select the Mobile@Work client and then select Actions > Apply To Labels.
  12. Select the appropriate labels and then select Apply.

For detailed instructions, see “Manually importing iOS apps from the Apple App Store” in the Ivanti EPMM Apps@Work Guide.

Note that in this scenario, device users do not have to re-enter their credentials when they install and launch Ivanti Mobile@Work. However, for extra security, administrators can:

  • Limit this silent registration with Ivanti Mobile@Work to one time only. In the Admin Portal, go to Settings > System Settings > Users & Devices > Device Registration and select the Allow slient in-app registration only once (iOS and macOS) check box.
  • Add a silent registration grace period in Settings > System Settings > Users & Devices > Device Registration and selecting Silent in-app registration time limit (minutes) (iOS and macOS) check box. The default value is 240 minutes (4 hours), which is good for the time it takes for the app to install on the device. You can modify this grace period based on your requirements. If the app is installed after the allotted time, the app will ask for the device users' credentials.