Configurations page

A configuration (previously called app settings) is a group of settings that are applied to devices. Go to the Policies & Configs > Configurations page to create and manage configurations. It displays the following information for each configuration.

For User Enrollment configurations, Ivanti recommends using the label "Apple User Enrolled Device" + "Equals" + "True" or ios.apple_user_enrolled_device = true."

Table 37.  Configurations page options




Indicates a name for this group of settings.

Configuration Type

Indicates the kind of configuration.

Bundle/Package ID

If this configuration is links to a App Catalog entry, the Bundle/Package ID will display here.


Displays additional information about this group of settings.

# Phones

Indicates the number of phones to which this group of settings has been applied. Click the link to display a list of the devices.


Lists the labels to which this group of settings has been applied.


Displays the number of devices for which this group of settings is queued. Click the link to display a list of the devices.


Displays the number of devices that have had configurations removed due to policy violations. Click the link to display a list of the devices. See Creating a compliance action for information on quarantining devices.

Required role: Administrator must have the View configuration role to access the Configurations page.