Customizing a home screen layout

You can customize the layout of the home screen on managed devices. You can define multiple home screen layout policies, and prioritize the use of each. This allows for a unified look and feel across devices, or groups of devices.

Customized components of the home screen layout include the dock and additional home page screens, if desired. The dock can include Ivanti EPMM App Catalog apps, whereas customized home pages can include custom folders, as well as apps. There is no option to change menus or control panel options.

This feature is supported on supervised devices running iOS 9.3 or supported newer versions.

Specifying a web clip in this payload does not create the web clip. Use the WebClip payload to create a web clip on the device.


  1. Go to Policies & Configs > Policies.
  2. Select Add New.
  3. Select iOS and macOS > iOS Only > Home Screen Layout.
  4. The Add Home Screen Layout Policy dialog box opens.
  5. Define a home screen layout policy, using the following table as a guideline.





    Enter a name for the home screen layout policy.


    Select Active to enable the home screen layout policy, or Inactive to disable it.


    Set the priority of the home screen layout policies if there is more than one policy.

    If you want to place greater priority on this home screen layout policy than another, select Higher than, and then select the home screen layout policy over which this policy will take priority.

    If you want to place lesser priority on this home screen layout policy than another, select Lower than, and then select the home screen layout policy that will be used before the one you are defining.


    Enter a description for the home screen layout policy.

  6. Select the Add button below the Dock table to add apps to the dock.

    A new row is added to the Dock table.

  7. Use the following table as a guideline for adding an app or webclip to the dock.




    Select the drop-down list to select the type of item you want to add to the dock: Application.

    App Name

    If you are adding an app to the dock, select the drop-down list and select an App Catalog app.

    Bundle ID/URL

    After you select an app, the bundle ID or web clip URL is automatically filled in.


    Select the x button to delete an app or web clip.

  8. Select the Add button below the Page 1 table to add apps, webclips, and folders to the first home screen page after the dock.

    A new row is added to the Page 1 table.

  9. Use the following table as a guideline for adding an app, web clip, or folder to the home screen page.




    Select the drop-down list to select the type of item you want to add to the dock: Application or Folder.

    App Name

    Select the drop-down list and select an App Catalog app.

    Bundle ID/URL

    After you select an app, the bundle ID or web clip URL is automatically filled in.


    Select the x button to delete an app, web clip, or folder.

    Select the Edit button to edit a folder name.

  10. If you want to add more pages to the home screen layout policy:

    • Select Add New Page. A new page appears.
    • Add apps or folders, as described in the previous step.
  11. Select Save.
  12. Go to Actions > Apply To Label.
  13. Select the label or labels to apply from the Apply To Label dialog.
  14. Select Apply.