Device name policies

Use the Device Name policy to set the name of supervised iOS devices of your choice. By setting the device names using this policy, the device name is automatically applied to the iOS device when the device registers with Ivanti EPMM.

This feature is useful in a kiosk setting, or shared device environment in a retail setting.

In the device name policy you can set the name using substitution variables that may be used to dynamically create a device name. Editing this name will result in all iOS supervised device names being updated. For any supervised iOS device with the policy, when the device checks in, Ivanti EPMM will check the current device name and compare it with the resolved desired device name. If the names are different, Ivanti EPMM will send a command to change the device name and queue a check-in at a later time.

Note the following:

  • After a device name policy is applied to a device, the device name settings are not removed from the device if you delete the policy or remove the device’s label from the policy.
  • If the device user changes the device name, at every sync, Ivanti EPMM will check to see if the device name is the expected one for the policy assigned and, if it does not match, enforce / resend the device name command. Ivanti EPMM will continue to do this as long as the policy is assigned.
  • You cannot export, import, or make a copy of (save as) a device name policy.
  • Advanced search and labels supports iOS device names, i.e., ios.DeviceName, so administrators must be careful how they use the device name as a label since the device user could change the device name themselves, thus making the device fall out of the label until the device name was changed back.
  • If the device's attribute is set to NULL, the Device Name policy will remain in a pending state.
  • When the device belongs to the device name policy, it displays as Applied in the Device Details page.

Configuring a device name policy

Configure a device name policy so that the supervised iOS devices use names of your choice. The device name policy is automatically applied when a device registers with Ivanti EPMM.


  1. Go to Policies & Configs > Policies.
  2. Select Add New.
  3. Select iOS and macOS > iOS only > Create Device Name.

    The Add Device Name Policy dialog box opens.

  4. See Device name policy settings as a guideline for filling out the form.
  5. Select Save.
  6. Go to Actions > Apply To Label.

    Device name policies are supported on supervised devices and should be associated to a "Supervised" label.

  7. Select the label or labels to apply from the Apply To Label dialog box.
  8. Select Apply.

Device name policy settings

The following table describes the settings available in the device name policy.

Table 1. Wallpaper policy settings




Enter a name for the device name policy.


Select Active to enable the policy, or Inactive to disable it.


Set the priority of device name policies if there is more than one device name policy.

If you want to place greater priority on this device name policy than another, select Higher than, and then select the device name policy over which this policy will take priority.

If you want to place lesser priority on this device name policy than another, select Lower than, and then select the device name policy that will be used before the one you are defining.


Enter a description of the device name policy.

Device Name

Type $ to see list of variables that may be used to dynamically create a device name. Editing this name will result in all iOS supervised device names being updated.


  • Device Name: $EMAIL$'s device resolves to [email protected]'s device
  • Device Name: $USERID$ - $MODEL$ device resolves to jsmith - iPad device.

For more information about substitution variables, see Substitution variables for compliance policy rules.