Wallpaper policies

Use the wallpaper policy to set the wallpaper of the home and locked screens of supervised iOS devices to images of your choice. By setting the wallpaper using the wallpaper policy, the wallpaper is automatically applied to the device when the device registers with Ivanti EPMM.

This feature is useful in a kiosk setting, or shared device environment in a retail setting.

In the wallpaper policy you can choose:

  • Images for iPhone and iPod devices
  • Images for iPad devices

In both cases, you can choose the same image or different images for the home screen and locked screen.

Note the following:

  • You can also set the wallpaper manually on a device that is already registered by using the Admin Portal action Set Wallpaper.
  • You cannot export, import, or make a copy of (save as) a wallpaper policy.

Configuring a wallpaper policy

Configure a wallpaper policy so that the home and locked screens of supervised iOS devices use images of your choice. The wallpaper is automatically applied when a device registers with Ivanti EPMM.


  1. Go to Policies & Configs > Policies.
  2. Select Add New.
  3. Select iOS and macOS > iOS only > Wallpaper.

    The Wallpaper Policy window is displayed.

  4. See Wallpaper policy settings as a guideline for filling out the form.
  5. Select Save.
  6. Go to Actions > Apply To Label.

    Wallpaper policies are supported on supervised devices and should be associated to a "Supervised" label.

  7. Select the label or labels to apply from the Apply To Label dialog box.
  8. Select Apply.

The files that you upload when creating the policy are listed in the Policy Details pane that displays when you select the policy’s row in Policies & Configs > Policies. However, when you edit a wallpaper policy, the files are not listed in the Wallpaper Policy screen.

Wallpaper policy settings

The following table describes the settings available in the wallpaper policy.

Table 1. Wallpaper policy settings




Enter a name for the wallpaper policy.


Select Active to enable the policy, or Inactive to disable it.


Set the priority of wallpaper policies if there is more than one wallpaper policy.

If you want to place greater priority on this wallpaper policy than another, select Higher than, and then select the wallpaper policy over which this policy will take priority.

If you want to place lesser priority on this wallpaper policy than another, select Lower than, and then select the wallpaper policy that will be used before the one you are defining.


Enter a description of the wallpaper policy.

iPhone/iPod Wallpaper

Use same image for Home Screen and Lock Screen

Select this option to use the same image for both the home screen and the lock screen on iPhone and iPod devices.

When selected, the display changes to allow you to upload only one file.

Home Screen

Choose the file for the home screen image.

File requirements:

either PNG or JPG format

less than 5 MB*

Lock Screen

Choose the file for the lock screen image.

File requirements:

either PNG or JPG format

less than 5 MB*

iPad Wallpaper

Use same image for Home Screen and Lock Screen

Select this option to use the same image for both the home screen and the lock screen on iPad devices.

When selected, the display changes to allow you to upload only one file.

Home Screen

Choose the file for the home screen image.

File requirements:

either PNG or JPG format

less than 5 MB*

Lock Screen

Choose the file for the lock screen image.

File requirements:

either PNG or JPG format

less than 5 MB*

* 5 MB are acceptable and are applied to the devices with the appropriate labels. However, larger files can have unpredictable performance impact on Ivanti EPMM. The performance impact is due to Ivanti EPMM requiring multiple device check-ins to apply the wallpaper to all devices. The performance impact depends on the size of the file and on the number of devices impacted. Note that the wallpaper file size does not impact any other actions that Ivanti EPMM performs on device check-in.