Inventory APIs

Get application inventory

This API returns the application inventory for the device identifier(s) specified in the request. This API consists of a command and optional payload (URL) that you can use to work with GUIDs instead of mdm-identifiers. This call silently ignores invalid device identifiers in the request.

The app inventory response depends on the device mode on Android and data privacy permissionson on iOS.

To enable this API call to retrieve Windows 10 device data on Ivanti EPMM, see Enabling Windows 10 app inventory reporting on Ivanti EPMM.

HTTP Method


Request URI


Request parameters




Sample Value



Parameter Type: Request body

Data Type: String

List of UEM identifiers in this format:


"identifiers":["mdm-id-1", "mdm-id-2"]


See List of identifiers.

"identifiers": ["e428c618933372785b0641d053c562021ef9cd49"



Parameter Type: Request body

Data Type: Enum

Possible Values: One of :



If not specified, the server assumes MDM identifiers.


Response fields

See Application.

Example request

curl --location --request POST 'https://[Ivanti Neurons for MDM or Ivanti EPMM]/msa/v1/cps/device/application' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"identifiers": ["e428c618933372785b0641d053c562021ef9cd49"] }'

Example response

        "deviceMdmId": "e428c618933372785b0641d053c562021ef9cd49", 
        "applications": [
                "identifier": "", 
                "name": "Keynote", 
                "version": "5.2.1", 
                "managed": false, 
                "source": "UNKNOWN_APP_TYPE", 
                "adHocCodeSigned": false, 
                "appStoreVendable": true, 
                "betaApp": false, 
                "deviceBasedVPP": false, 
                "externalVersionIdentifier": 832990878, 
                "updateAvailable": false, 
                "installing": false, 
                "validated": true, 
                "shortVersion": "5.2.1", 
                "bundleVersion": "6733"
                "identifier": "", 
                "name": "Numbers", 
                "version": "5.2.1", 
                "managed": false, 
                "source": "UNKNOWN_APP_TYPE", 
                "adHocCodeSigned": false, 
                "appStoreVendable": true, 
                "betaApp": false, 
                "deviceBasedVPP": false, 
                "externalVersionIdentifier": 832990870, 
                "updateAvailable": false, 
                "installing": false, 
                "validated": true, 
                "shortVersion": "5.2.1", 
                "bundleVersion": "6733"