Common items

The following data structures are used across multiple APIs.

List of identifiers

A list of strings, device UEM identifiers, deviceGuid identifiers, device mac addresses, user Globally, or Universally Unique identifiers.

List of devices format

identifiers":["mdm-id-1", "mdm-id-2"]

Example list of devices

	  "quarantined": false,
	  "compromised": false,
	  "imei": "35 2342342342345 64 1"
      "model":"Nexus 10",
	  "serialNumber": "F123431WN123",
      "userId":"[email protected]",
      "custom attribute 1":"custom attribute value",
      "custom attribute 2":"custom attribute value"
      "compliant": true,
      "quarantined": false,
      "compromised": false,
      "status": "RETIRED",
      "lastCheckInTime": 1493723182655,
      "registrationTime": 1493712801136,
      "identifier": "b9a0d7d05fb4204f52264f805932526b848ca61d",
      "imei": "35 377808 345646 1",
      "manufacturer": "Apple Inc.",
      "model": "iPhone9,3",
      "os": "IOS",
      "osVersion": "10.2.1",
      "serialNumber": "F17ST4356HG7F",
      "userId": "[email protected]",
      "userUuid": "7d191915-28d1-444563-bec8-456",
      "iosUdid": "b9a0d7d05fb4563456f805932526b848ca61d"

Number result

Number results are single integer responses whose meanings vary depending on the API call, for example, the count of updated entities or the response of a count API.

Example number result

    "result": 2

Update attributes

These handle both device and user attributes updates.

Update attributes request format

    "identifiers": [
    "attributes": {
        "key": "value"