Known issues
These are cumulative release notes. If a release does not appear in this section, then there were no associated known
- 1416980: When importing folders to the Docs@Work app, the "Unsupported format" message is displayed. The content in the message is not localized.
- DWIC-8466: When you attempt to open partially downloaded files the "Security operation failed" error is displayed
DWIC-8486: While using file provider extension, My File Subfolders are not showing list of all files in iOS 17
- DWIC-8466: When you attempt to open partially downloaded files the "Security operation failed" error is displayed
DWIC-8339: The Docs@Work Help file is not localized for Hungarian and Swedish languages.
- DWIC-8324: The retired screen for Docs@Work is not rebranded.
- DWIC-8322: The Box and Dropbox login screens still show the old Docs@Work icon instead of the new one.
- DWIC-8315: The Docs@Work app might not display replies that were added to the Comments or Annotations using Adobe Acrobat.
- DWIC-8311: The ANSI text files might show invalid data and become unreadable on the Docs@Work app.
- DWIC-8286: Whenever new files are added to Docs@Work and then try to access extension, observed couple of seconds delay after tapping Docs@Work in Browse popup.
DWIC-8282: Docs@Work is crashing when we open the 1GB imported video from My Files(iOS 15.x)
DWIC-8263: The Docs@Work app is unable to select a file to perform a delete action from Microsoft SharePoint 2016 site and Ivanti OneDrive when the site is in Web View.
DWIC-8262: The Docs@Work app is fails to open .DOCX file of 379 MB size with following error message:
Unsupported file type. Cannot display unsupported file types.
DWIC-8017: The Docs@Work app might crash when uploading large sized files to Microsoft SharePoint sites..
- DWIC-8286: Whenever new files are added to Docs@Work and then try to access extension, observed couple of seconds delay after tapping Docs@Work in Browse popup.
DWIC-8282: Docs@Work is crashing when we open the 1GB imported video from My Files(iOS 15.x)
DWIC-8263: The Docs@Work app is unable to select a file to perform a delete action from Microsoft SharePoint 2016 site and Ivanti OneDrive when the site is in Web View.
DWIC-8262: The Docs@Work app is fails to open .DOCX file of 379 MB size with following error message:
Unsupported file type. Cannot display unsupported file types.
DWIC-8017: The Docs@Work app might crash when uploading large sized files to Microsoft SharePoint sites..
- DWIC-8193: The Docs@Work app is unable to update the drop-down value in the Microsoft Excel file.
- DWIC-8189: The "Shared with me" folder is not displayed if user adds the Microsoft OneDrive site through the "Browse SharePoint web".
- DWIC-8160: When performing a search in the Microsoft OneDrive if you select "Continue search on server" option then "Resource not found" error message is displayed.
- DWIC-8155: The Docs@Work app might stop working when the app is stopped and relaunched multiple times in a short duration on devices running iOS 15 and higher.
Workaround: Relaunch the Docs@Work app.
- DWIC-8138: The attachments might get corrupted, when attaching files to Email+ compose page through Docs@Work > Recents folder.
- DWIC-8102: Even after successful upload of a large file (more than 20MB) to CIFS site. The Docs@Work app displays Cannot connect to CIFS site error message:
- DWIC-7978: In some cases, even after deleting the files and folders from Microsoft SharePoint web view the files are not deleted.
- DWIC-7869: In some cases, the Docs@Work app might display incorrect pop-up message when the active directory password for Sites is changed.
- DWIC-8139: The Arrow keys from Magic keyboard are not working when editing documents in the Docs@Work app.
- DWIC-8137: The discard dialog is not displayed when importing file to the Docs@Work app when the newly created file is in edit mode in My Files folder.
- DWIC-8136: Sentry encrypted Attachments (attachctrl) sent from ARM64 and Docs@Work 2.20.2 devices might not be downloaded or decrypted on other devices having Docs@Work 2.20.1.
- DWIC-8113: On iOS 16 devices, administrators cannot disable the “Search Web” context.
- DWIC-7903: When the ENABLE_POLARIS_VIEWER key-value pair is enabled, for some files in the Polaris viewer the content of the file in the original document might not match with the document in the print.
- DWIC-7867: In some cases, the "Security operation failed" error message is displayed on the Docs@Work app when you tap on a video that failed to import successfully.
- DWIC-7839: When enable_polaris_viewer KVP is enabled, the .TXT files created in Docs@Work 2.19.0 are not rendered correctly after upgrading to Docs@Work 2.19.1.
- DWIC-7814: The Docs@Work app is unable to open .RTF files on devices with iOS 15 or iOS 15.1. The Cannot display this file type error message is displayed.