Known issues
These are cumulative release notes. If a release does not appear in this section, then there were no associated known issues.
1487932: The Private Space lockdown will not support in EPO mode.
AC-22097: The closed loop value corresponding to the tunnel installation warning is not updating with Ivanti EPMM because client re-branding is not done in this release. As a result, the MobileIron reference in the warning text is still displaying.
Workaround: None
AC-21784: Previously, on Samsung devices with OS v7, the Threat card in MTD was taking too long to display and the back button was not returning device user to the Mobile@Work Home page. Additionally, the Phishing scan worked intermittently.
Workaround: None
AC-21607: Mobile@Work is crashing on Android 8.x devices when provisioned into Android Enterprise Device Owner mode.
Workaround: Device user can wait or restart the app. After recovering from crash, Mobile@Work completes the provisioning and gets into stable state.