Known issues
These are cumulative release notes. If a release does not appear in this section, then there were no associated known issues.

- IOS-18539: When the option to select Ivanti Mobile Threat Defense (MTD) secure DNS is not enabled, the Disable Phishing Content Protection threat is not detected.
Workaround: None
IOS-18541: Anti-phishing Status is not reflecting appropriately in cases where the anti-phishing policy with "Secure DNS" is unselected. The status is currently reflecting N/A instead of Not Enabled.
Workaround: None

IOS-18539: When the option to select Ivanti Mobile Threat Defense (MTD) secure DNS is not enabled, Disable Phishing Content Protection threat is not detected.
Workaround: None
- IOS-18416: The application name is not updated on AppStore to reflect the new name "Ivanti Mobile@Work." The application is visible and searchable on AppStore with the existing name "MobileIron Mobile@Work."
Workaround: None
- IOS-18413: Mobile@Work does not authorize AppConnect app Docs@Work when the device is offline.
Workaround: None
IOS-18411: Mobile@Work with VPN displays a warning (red exclamation icon) when returning from the background.
Workaround: None
- IOS-18329: In Ivanti Mobile@Work for iOS, the Integrated App Catalog's button title in German is truncating.
Workaround: None

IOS-18124: The iOS MTD Activation status displays intermittently on random devices after the Activation completes.
Workaround: The MTD Activation may return to protected status when iOS device users close and relaunch Mobile@Work.
- IOS-18116: Mobile@Work displays a red warning exclamation mark and "Not connected" upon the Mobile@Work app launch.
Workaround: If device user waits a few minutes, the warning will disappear.

- IOS-17839: When the MTD Anti-phishing VPN is enabled and the device is not connected to the network, ""Device Status"" does not get updated.
Workaround: When client is closed and re-launched, ""Device Status"" updates and displays the correct status.
- IOS-17771: Upon upgrade, the Apps@Work tab does not display.
Workaround: Conduct a device check-in. The Apps@Work tab displays.
- IOS-17656: Featured Banner is not supported in Native App Catalog.
Workaround: None.

- IOS-16684: After resetting the password via 'Forgot Password' option, Biometric+Passcode authentication scheme is switched to just Passcode one.
Workaround: Biometric authentication can be manually enabled in the client Settings panel after resetting the password.