Resolved issues
These are cumulative release notes. If a release does not appear in this section, then there were no associated resolved issues.

- 1465096: The New Threats Found text was truncating with device screen border in Hungarian language. This is fixed now.

- IOS-18920: Previously, O365 registration flow was broken with the new versions of Mobile@Work 12.12. 0 clients. The Mobile@Work 12.12. 0 clients redirect to the App Store even when the Authenticator App is installed on the device. In this release, the issue is resolved.

- IOS-18541: Previously, the anti-phishing status was not reflecting appropriately in cases where the anti-phishing policy with "Secure DNS" was unselected. The status was reflecting N/A instead of Not Enabled. In this release, the issue is resolved.

- IOS-18575: Previously, upon disabling Content Protection on the Ivanti EPMM server, the Lookout Secure DNS profile was still displayed in iOS devices > Settings. In this release, the Secure DNS profile is not displayed after disabling Content Protection.
IOS-18539: Previously, no Phishing Content Protection threat was detected when users do not select the Ivanti MTD secure DNS option. As per design, the user must select the Ivanti MTD secure DNS option at least once.
IOS-18589: The Ivanti M@W Client crashed when the user attempted to access the Settings > Manage Devices section. In this release, the issue is resolved.

- IOS-18413: Mobile@Work now authorizes the AppConnect app Docs@Work when the device is offline.
IOS-18278: When the registered device user's principal name was different from the display name, Mobile@Work was unable to retire the device. This issue has been fixed.
IOS-18116: Previously, Mobile@Work displayed a warning exclamation mark and "Not connected" upon force quit and relaunching of the Mobile@Work app. This issue has been fixed.

IOS-18416: Previously, the application name was not updated in the Apple App Store to reflect the new name "Ivanti Mobile@Work." This issue has been fixed.

- IOS-18097: For DT Client, "Imprint" was not localized in Italian, Chinese, or Spanish. This issue has been fixed.
IOS-17870: Previously, Ivanti Mobile@Work displayed a threat error after deleting the client and re-registering with Ivanti EPMM. This issue has been fixed.
- IOS-17771: Upon upgrade, the Apps@Work tab now displays as expected.
- IOS-17656: Featured Banner is now supported in Native App Catalog.

IOS-17823: Previously, if an AppConnect app was launched, it resulted in Mobile@Work displaying the app with an incorrect AppConnect version and a "Pending" configuration status. This issue has been fixed.

- IOS-17497: Upon launching on iOS 6 beta, Mobile@Work crashes. This issue has been fixed.

IOS-17439: Fixed the issue when the launch of Mobile@Work client caused delays with connection to captive Wi-Fi networks.

IOS-17295: When anti-phishing was enabled, iOS devices sometimes lost network connectivity. This issue has been fixed.

IOS-17294: In app registration fix against Connected Cloud Instance.

IOS-17201: Fixed an issue when the Secure Apps section in the application Settings was hidden when "Access your Microsoft 365 apps" registration prompt was displayed.
- IOS-17200: The Azure Active Directory setup screen was not shown if the device was not in compliance. This issue has been fixed.
- IOS-17093: With the AppConnect policy set to allow biometric unlock (fallback to AppConnect passcode), the device unlock command from the server resulted in Mobile@Work losing the AppConnect passcode. This issue has been fixed.
- IOS-17160: The Threat Detection screen displayed after registration in Microsoft 365 Access even though it was enabled in the Core. This issue has been fixed.
- IOS-17072: When the device was out of compliance, the reason for the Compliance Violation was missing from the Server Info section in the Mobile@Work application. This issue has been fixed.

IOS-17004: After successful Azure Active Directory registration, Mobile@Work app immediately checks-in with Core for device compliance reporting.
IOS-16888: Previously, when the AppConnect passcode was not set up, the device user was prompted by AppConnect to create one. Once the passcode was created, the device set up was not completing. This issue has been fixed.