New features summary
These are cumulative release notes. If a release does not appear in this section, then there were no associated new features and enhancements.

- Improved user interface: The checkbox to use the mobile data option is revised from Allow Mobile Data Use for Provisioning to Use Mobile Data for provisioning.
- Support for custom Android Registration Source: Administrators can define a custom Android Registration Source with up to 64 characters for Ivanti Provisioner. The new editable text field has help text Enter a string to identify registration. This information is visible on the Device Details page of Ivanti N-MDM, enabling better tracking and advanced search capabilities for streamlined device management.

- NFC support: Ivanti Provisioner will no longer support provisioning using NFC.

- Enhanced support for custom attributes: Ivanti Provisioner now supports assigning up to three custom attributes when provisioning a device using Ivanti Go or At Work EMM.

- Branding updates: The Provisioner app has been re-branded to Ivanti Provisioner.
- Support for provisioning in offline mode: The following option has been added to the Ivanti Provisioner app to support provisioning in offline mode:
- Provision in Offline Mode (On Android 13+ devices only) - By default, this option is not selected. If this option is selected, the device will try to connect to the internet, but if the connection fails, the provisioning will start in offline mode if the uploaded MDM apk location is accessible offline.
- Support for provisioning using new options: The following options have been added to the Ivanti Provisioner app to support provisioning on Android 13+ devices:
- Keep screen ON during provisioning - By default, this option is selected. The device screen will be ON during the entire provisioning process.
- Allow mobile data use for provisioning - By default, this option is selected. Mobile data will be used on priority for provisioning.
- Support Password with Ivanti Neurons for MDM in DPC extras: Including a password as part of sending DPC extras to Ivanti Neurons for MDM is supported now. Passing passwords in setup allows administrators to have simplified deployment and is not a recommended security practice.
- Connect to Hidden Wi-Fi network: A new option "Allow Connect to Hidden Wi-Fi" has been added to the Ivanti Provisioner app. If this option is selected, the device will be able to connect to a hidden Wi-Fi network and complete the provisioning task.

- Support to generate QR codes for RealWear devices: Users are now provided an option to generate QR codes for RealWear devices.
- Support to opt out of Auto Grant of Sensor Permissions: Users will now have support to opt out of Auto Grant of Sensor Permissions on Android 12 devices.

Mobile@Work now available in MDMPP environments: Mobile@Work now supports MDMPP (Work Managed) devices through the Provisioner app. For more information, see the “Installing the certified MDMPP Mobile@Work for Android on a device" section in Core and Android and iOS Client Mobile Device Management Protection Profile Guide
Support for Release 75 using Custom URL: AtWork EMM is now supported under the Hosted UEM Client URL option.