Using the setup wizard to complete Standalone Sentry installation

When you first boot the Standalone Sentry you automatically open the installation setup wizard. The Welcome screen is shown. Use the information gathered in the worksheet (Gather Standalone Sentry installation setup information) to complete the Standalone Sentry installation steps.


Table 1. Standalone Sentry installation steps





Welcome to Sentry Installation

- For virtual machine installation, type:


- For standard physical appliance installation, type:


- For standard physical appliance installation from USB, type:


- To boot from your local hard disk, type: <ENTER>

Note: System will boot from the local hard disk in 30 seconds if no key is pressed.

One of the following installation types:

vm-install: for installing on a virtual machine.
hw-install: for installing on standard physical appliances.
hw-usb-install: for installing on standard physical appliances from a USB.

The options for physical appliances are applicable only if your deployment uses MobileIron Core. MobileIron Cloud does not support the options for physical appliances.



Press Enter.

The CentOS installation begins and might take several minutes.

The Configuration Wizard starts. Use the Configuration Wizard to set the following:

system properties/admin accounts
network settings

System properties and admin accounts setup


Welcome to the MobileIron Configuration Wizard

Use the “-“ character to move back to a previous field.

Continue with configuration dialog? (yes/no):



Do you accept the End User License Agreement?:


Enter yes to accept the End User License Agreement.


Company name

A name that identifies your organization.


Contact person name

The name of the responsible person in your organization.


Contact person email

The email address for the responsible person.


Enter enable secret:

A password for privileged access.

The password must be alphanumeric and contain 6-20 characters.


Enter enable secret (confirm):

Re-enter the password you just set.


Administrator User Name:

User name for the Sentry administrator.


Administrator Password

Password for the Sentry administrator.


Administrator Password (confirm)

Re-enter the password you just set.

Network setup


Available network interfaces:

a) GigabitEthernet1

b) GigabitEthernet2

Select the interface that will be used to connect to

the management network:

The letter for the physical interface you want to use.


IP address:

The IP address for this system.

The IP address will be associated with the physical interface you selected.



The subnet mask associated with the IP address you just entered.


Default Gateway:

The default gateway address for this system.


External Hostname (Fully-Qualified Domain Name):

The fully-qualified domain name for this system.


Default domain:

The default domain for this system.


Name server 1:

The IP address for the primary DNS name server to be used by the appliance.


Name server 2:

(Optional) The IP address of a secondary name server, or press Enter if you have finished entering name servers.


Name server 3:

(Optional) The IP address of a tertiary name server, or press Enter if you have finished entering name servers.


Enable remote shell access via SSH (yes/NO):

yes to enable remote access via SSH.


Configure NTP? (yes/no):

yes to enable an NTP service and specify time sources.

MobileIron recommends that you configure at least one time source to ensure proper synchronization of time-based tasks.

Enter no, if you do not want to set up an NTP server. You will be prompted to set the system clock.


NTP server 1 hostname or address:

the hostname or IP address of a time source if you entered yes for configuring NTP.

If you entered no for configuring NTP, you are prompted to set the system clock.

Use HH:MM:SS as the format for the time you enter.
Use DD MM YYYY as the format for the date you enter.

NTP server 2 hostname or address:

the hostname or IP address of a secondary NTP server, or press Enter if you are finished entering NTP servers.


NTP server 3 hostname or address:

the hostname or IP address of a tertiary NTP server, or press Enter if you are finished entering NTP servers.


Commit this config?

review the output.

Enter yes to save the changes.



Standalone Sentry command line interface (CLI) command prompt

reload to complete the installation.

Enter yes and yes again.

The installation script continues, displaying status on the console. This may take several minutes.

Ignore the following message unless the installation fails to complete:

Unable to connect to MICS service...

Next steps 

  • (Optional) If needed, once the installation is complete, install the VMware tools. See Installing the VMware tools.
  • Standalone Sentry configuration is done in the EMM platform you have deployed. Depending on whether you have deployed MobileIron Core or MobileIron Cloud, you will either add or register Standalone Sentry.

    Table 2. Configure Standalone Sentry


    Next Steps

    MobileIron Core

    For MobileIron Core deployments, configure Standalone Sentry in the MobileIron Core Admin Portal. See Adding Standalone Sentry in MobileIron Core.

    MobileIron Cloud

    For MobileIron Cloud deployments, register Standalone Sentry. See Registering Standalone Sentry to MobileIron Cloud.

Installing the VMware tools

Install the VMware tools.


  1. In the vSphere Client, right-click on the VM.

  2. Navigate to Guest > Install/Upgrade VMware Tools.

    Figure 1. VMware tools

  3. At the prompt in the the MobileIron CLI screen, enter enable.

  4. Enter the password when prompted.

  5. Enter the following command:

    install rpm cdrom

  6. Select an rpm when prompted.

  7. Enter the number for VMwareTools package.