Resolved issues
These are cumulative release notes. If a release does not appear in this section, then there were no associated resolved issues.
Ivanti Neurons for MDM Connector 95 - Resolved issues
AW-70957: Starting with this release, the error notifications will now display for Connector registration failures from CLI.
Ivanti Neurons for MDM Connector 93 - Resolved issues
AW-72930: The generation of the Windows Config Identity Certificate issue is resolved in this version of Ivanti Neurons for MDM Connector.
Ivanti Neurons for MDM Connector 87 - Resolved issues
- AW-59527: The Ivanti Neurons for MDM Connector now registers on-premises certificates with its internal certificate service, which no longer causes on-premises certificate revocation failure.
- AW-62875: Starting with this release, the Ivanti Neurons for MDM Connector validates all the certificates strictly.
- AW-61300: Ivanti Neurons for MDM Connector can import PKCS12 file packages created with OpenSSL 3.0 or higher.