Remove Bloatware Configuration

Remove Bloatware configuration allows you select the list of applications installed in devices which needs to be forcibly removed. It is a prerequisite to have a Bridge setup for this configuration. See Bridge for more details.

To run or uninstall apps:

  1. In the Configuration tab click +Add.

  2. Select Remove Bloatware configuration. The Remove Bloatware Configuration page is displayed.

  3. In the Name field, type an appropriate name for the configuration.

  4. Click the +Add Description link to add a description for the configuration.This field is optional.

  5. In the Configuration Setup section, select the apps that should be removed or uninstalled. You can alternatively search for an app in the Search field using the App name displayed in Desktop-apps list.

    Before creating the Remove Bloatware configuration, you should fetch apps by going to Apps>Desktop Apps>Fetch Apps. If not, no applications will be available to search or choose from when creating the Remove Bloatware configuration.

    The file types .appx,.appxbundles,.xap and .msi can be removed but not the file type .exe.

  6. In the Advanced options, configure the following options:



    Run this configuration every Set the interval duration (in minutes) after which the configuration should run.
    Run at Logon Select the checkbox to run the configuration at logon.
    Suppress force restart after uninstall Select the checkbox to prevent force restart after uninstalling the app.