
You can use variables in certain configuration fields to represent values specific to a given user. Any field that supports variables displays a list of supported variables if you type $ in the field. This section contains the following topics:

Supported user account variables

User Variables

Variable key

Value description

${department} department attribute (requires Azure Active Directory)
${edipi} Electronic Data Interchange-Personal Identifier
${managedAppleId} User's Managed Apple ID
${sAMAccountName} sAMAccountName attribute (requires Active Directory)
${userCN} Common Name (CN) attribute extracted from the distinguished name (requires LDAP)
${userDisplayName} Display name
${userDN} Distinguished Name (requires LDAP)
${userEmailAddressDomain} The domain part of the email address (part after '@')
${userEmailAddressLocalPart}> The local part of the email address (part before '@')


Email address
${userFirstName} First name
${userLastName} Last name
${userLocale} Locale
${userOU} Organizational Unit (OU) attribute extracted from the distinguished name (requires LDAP)
${userREALM} Kerberos Realm information (requires Active Directory)
${userUIDDomain} The domain part of the login ID (the part after '@')
${userUIDLocalPart} The local part of the login ID (the part before '@')
${userUID} Login ID (email address format)
${userUPN} userPrincipalName attribute (requires Active Directory)

Supported device variables

Use device variables to specify information about a mobile device.

Device Variables

Variable key

Value description

${clientLastCheckin} Date client last checked-in (most recent checkin - either MDM or Client)
${deviceAltSN} Alternative Serial Number
${deviceClientDeviceIdentifier} Identifier used by the client application
${deviceGUID} Globally unique device identifier
${deviceIccIdentifier} ICCID
${deviceIMEI2} IMEI2
${deviceIMEI} IMEI
${deviceIMSI} IMSI
${deviceLastCheckin} Date device last checked-in (most recent checkin - either MDM or Client)
${deviceMdmChannelId} Internal device identifier
${deviceMdmDeviceIdentifier} Identifier used for MDM
${deviceMEIdentifier} MEID
${deviceModel} Model
${deviceName} Device name
${devicePhoneNumber} Device phone number
${devicePK} Cluster unique device identifier
${deviceSN} Serial Number
${deviceUDID} iOS UDID
${deviceWifiMacAddress} Wi-Fi MAC Address

Email template variables

Variable key

Value description

${policyMessageContent} Email body
${policyMessageTitle} Email subject

Time stamp variables

Variable key

Value description

${timestampMS} Current timestamp (milliseconds since the epoch)

Policy template variables

Variable key

Value description

${nameOfPolicy} Policy name violated
${nextAction} Next Tiered Compliance Action (different than wait and retire) to be taken after send message
${nonComplianceTime} Count of days device has been in non-compliant state
${policyViolationFirstTime} Time stamp when policy violation was first triggered (UTC DD-MM-YYYY format)
${ruleConditions} Rule definition (query string the way it appears now)

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