Windows BitLocker

As an administrator, you can bulk update of recovery key for a set of encrypted Windows 10 devices by uploading an Excel file with the device GUID and recovery password.

To upload the Excel file for the bulk update of recovery key:

  1. Go to the Admin>Windows BitLocker.
  2. Click Download sample csv file to download the sample CSV file to download and view an example of .csv file.
  3. Create and add the records for the BitLocker recovery keys .csv file.
  4. Click Upload recovery passwords
  5. Click Choose File to upload the .csv file you have created.
  6. Click Upload. Uploading a new file with previously uploaded keys will overwrite the old entries.

    A maximum of 1000 records can be submitted in each upload. After a successful upload, you can view the individual keys in the device details of the specific device.