Device Registration by PIN Generation

This section contains the following topics:

You can generate Device registration PINs for users without sending an invite email, streamlining the device registration process.

For Single or Multiple Users from the Users Landing Page

  1. Go to Users > Users.

  2. Select the user(s) for whom you want to generate a registration PIN. You can select one or multiple users.

  3. Click on the Actions button.

  4. Select Generate PIN from the dropdown menu.

  5. The generated PIN(s) will be displayed in the REGISTRATION PIN column.

  6. To view the PIN(s), click on View PIN.

For a Single User from User Details

  1. Go to Users > Users.

  2. Click the username for whom you want to generate a registration PIN to open the user details.

  3. In the User Information section, click on Generate PIN.

  4. Click on View PIN to view the generated PIN.

    Ensure that you have the appropriate permissions to generate registration PINs for users. Generate PIN option is enabled only for users whose Device Registration status is ‘Password & PIN.'