Restarting or shutting down devices

This section contains the following topics:

Applicable to: Android 7.0+ (managed devices), iOS 10.3+ (iOS and tvOS) supervised, macOS 10.13+, and Windows 10+ devices.

Administrators can restart or shutdown an iOS or tvOS supervised device individually from the device details page or in bulk from the devices list page.

Restarting a device


  1. Go to Devices.
  2. Navigate to the device.
  3. Click the link in the Name column.
  4. Click the Actions button.
  5. Click Restart/Shutdown device.

    Unsupported devices cannot be restarted.

  6. Read the displayed warning.
  7. (Optional) Select the option to clear the passcode of the device on restart. If the passcode is not cleared, the device will require a passcode and will not be connected to Wi-Fi after the restart.
  8. Select Restart Device if not already selected.
  9. If you still want to restart the device, click Send to Device. Otherwise, click Cancel.

    For Android devices, administrators can view the information on when the device was restarted under Uptime in the Device Details page.

You can restart multiple supported devices from Devices list page. To do so, select the devices, click Actions >Restart/Shutdown Device, and follow the instructions on the screen.

Shutting down a device


  1. Go to Devices.
  2. Navigate to the device.
  3. Click the link in the Name column.
  4. Click the Actions button.
  5. Click Restart/Shutdown device.

    Unsupported devices cannot be restarted.

  6. Read the displayed warning.
  7. Select Shutdown Device.
  8. If you still want to shutdown the device, click Send to Device. Otherwise, click Cancel.

You can shutdown multiple supported devices from Devices list page. To do so, select the devices, click Actions >Restart/Shutdown Device, and follow the instructions on the screen.