Upgrading In-House Apps

Use the following procedure to update an in-house app:

  1. Go to Apps > App Catalog.
  2. Select the app to be upgraded.
  3. Select Actions > Add New Version.
  4. Drag and drop the app to the Upload App area or click Choose File to select it from your file system.
  5. Select one of the following options based on what you want to do with the previous version of the app:
    • Keep the description, screenshots, distribution, app prerequisites, and app configurations the same: replaces the previous version in the app catalog.
    • Change the description, screenshots, distribution, app prerequisites, or app configurations : includes both versions in the app catalog.
  6. Under What's New, enter text that explains to users what is different in the new version.
  7. This text will be displayed on the device when the user selects the app for installation.

  8. If you chose to change descriptions, screenshots, or distribution options, complete those changes.

  9. Click Done.

If you chose to keep older versions of the app in the catalog, only one entry will display under Apps > App Catalog. The pane on the far left will indicate the number of apps accounted for by the entry. If you later decide to delete the newer version, the older version will automatically replace it on installed devices.

Displaying a list of app versions

Admins are allowed to upload apps with the same version and different architectures.


  1. Click the link for the app under Apps > App Catalog.
  2. Click the Version tab.

    If there are multiple versions of the app in the catalog, a drop-down displays the versions. If multiple apps with the same version number but different architectures are uploaded, the drop-down displays the supported architecture details. The supported architectures for the apps are also displayed under App Information.