Re-install iOS System Apps

Applicable to:

  • iOS 11.3+ devices.

Re-install deleted iOS system apps on iOS devices.


  1. Navigate to the Devices page. Alternatively, you can click the name of the device and perform this action from the Device Details page.
  2. Select one or more iOS devices.
  3. From the Actions menu, click Re-install iOS System Apps.
  4. On the Re-install iOS System Apps display box, select one or more available system apps to be installed on the devices.
  5. Click Re-install Apps.

The apps will be installed on the selected and compatible iOS devices when the devices check in. System apps installed in this manner will not be considered managed apps. If there are no compatible devices selected, you will get a message that the system apps will not be installed on those devices.

For more information, see Software_Updates.