ADMX (GPO) Browser

Using ADMX (GPO) browser, you can view the GPO settings organized on the basis of the ADMX objects that exist in the tenant. You can search and view the default ADMX objects and also add (upload) custom ADMX files that provide an XML-based structure for defining the display of the GPO settings

To upload custom ADMX object:

  1. Select Admin > ADMX (GPO) Browser. The ADMX (GPO) Browser page is displayed.
  2. Click Append. The Append Custom ADMX(GPO) Objects window is displayed.
  3. Click Choose File to select the ADMX file to be uploaded.
  4. Click Append. A confirmation message is displayed for a successful upload.

Searching GPO settings

In the ADMX(GPO) browser, you can search and select a GPO by clicking the relevant component from the GPO hierarchy tree in the left pane. The GPO hierarchy tree represents the path of the policy settings. You can alternatively, search for a specific GPO setting by typing the GPO name or the ADMX file name in the Search field. The details of the selected GPO setting is displayed in the right pane.