Rejecting an application

Previously, there was no option to submit attachments; however, users can now choose to upload files as attachments when rejecting any version. The user must also include the reason for rejection with the attachment.

Uploading a file attachment

1. You can upload attachments (images, videos, audio files, documents) while rejecting binary files, along with a reason.

2. You can upload a single file and the supported file formats, such as .pdf,.png,.jpg,.jpeg,.doc,.docx,.zip,.mp4,.tar, and .mov.

3. You must compress multiple files into a single file and upload it to incapptic.

4. After the file is uploaded, you can view it on the app version page.

5. You can download the attachment using Download Attachment.

6. The downloaded file follows the <application_name><version_id><date_time_of_file_upload> naming convention.

Table 7.  User Role permissions

User Role


Who can Reject? - Active User


Who can view Rejected Messages? - Active User


Who can reply to rejected messaged? - Active User


Who can download uploaded attachments? - Active User



1. You can upload a single file.

2. You must compress multiple files into a single file and upload it to incapptic.

3. The supported formats are.pdf,.png,.jpg,.jpeg,.doc,.docx,.zip,.mp4,.tar,

4. The maximum file size allowed by default is 5 MB; however, you can increase the file size by submitting a support ticket.

5. By default, the attachment field is not mandatory. Once the field is touched, it becomes mandatory.