Adding Google Play apps for Android

You add a public Google Play app for Android devices to the App Catalog on the MobileIron Core Admin Portal.


  1. In the Admin Portal, go to Apps > App Catalog.
  2. Click Add+.
  3. Click Google Play to open the app wizard.
  4. Type the app name or package name and click Search to show the search results from Google Play.
  5. Click the row to select the app you want to add to the App Catalog.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Use the following guidelines to complete the remaining options for each app.



    Application Name

    Displays the app name defined by the app developer. This is the name that displays to device users. This field is not editable.

    Min. OS Version

    The minimum OS version as retrieved from Google Play displays.

    Devices that don’t have the minimum OS version installed will not be able to install the app.


    The app description as retrieved from Google Play displays. You can edit the description. Users will see this description in Apps@Work on their devices.


    Select one or more categories to display this app in a category tab in Apps@Work or add a new category.

    a. Click Add New Category to define new categories.
    b. Enter a category Name (up to 64 characters).
    c. Enter a Description (up to 255 characters).
    d. In the Category Icon section, click the Replace Icon button.
    e. Browse and select an icon that will represent this Category.
    f. Click Save.
  8. Click Finish.

    The app displays in the App Catalog page when the Platform filter is set to Android.

  9. Click Next.



    Feature this App in the Apps@Work catalog

    Select the check box to list the app in the Featured apps list in Apps@Work. This feature does not apply to AppConnect apps.

    Featured Banner

    Selecting this option will add this app as part of the top banner on Apps@Work Home screen on end user devices. The latest five apps will be picked to be part of Apps@Work Home page.

  10. Click Finish.

    The app displays in the App Catalog page when the Platform filter is set to Android.

  11. Apply the app to a label to have that app listed in Apps@Work on Android devices.

Adding an app using Quick Import in the Core Admin Portal

Using Quick Import in the App Catalog is a fast way to add multiple apps using default settings. Options and configurations can be edited later as needed.

NOTE: If you have installed Android enterprise, the Quick Import option is disabled. You can use the Google Play iFrame to import apps.


  1. Go to Apps > App Catalog in the MobileIron Core Admin Portal.
  2. Click Quick Import > Google Play.
  3. Enter any part of an application name or package name.
  4. Click Search. Search results from the Google Play Store appear.
  5. Click Import, at the end of the line, to add the app to the App Catalog.
  6. The store import dialog remains open so you can quickly search and add more apps.
  7. Click X to close the dialog.
  8. Edit the app details for the imported app and select Install this app for Android enterprise.

    NOTE: De-selecting this option does not uninstall the app from devices which already have it installed.
  9. Fill out the Android enterprise-related restrictions as necessary.
  10. Click Save.

All apps that are available to be installed for Android enterprise (because you have selected Install this app for Android enterprise) have the “suitcase” badge on their icon. These apps can also be installed on non-Android enterprise devices.

Note The Following:  

  • You can edit the app’s settings at any time. Select the app in the App Catalog, and click Edit.
  • The metadata and reviews for an app selected for installation from Google Play may not be displayed depending on the configuration of the customers firewall.