Adding in-house apps to the App Catalog

Use the following steps to add apps to the App Catalog with the app wizard.

  1. In the Admin Portal, go to Apps > App Catalog.
  2. Click the Add+ button.
  3. Click In-House then click Browse to navigate to and select the app.

    This is a .xap, a .appx or .appx bundle for WP8.1 devices.

  4. Click Next.
  5. Enter information into the Description section, if necessary, using the following guidelines:

    • Application Name: The name of the app as defined by the developer displays in Apps@Work on the device and in the Apps@Work catalog.
    • Display Version: The version of the app. This field is not editable.
    • Developer: The author of the app as defined by the developer. This field is not editable.
    • Category: Select one or more categories if you would like this app to be displayed in a specific group of apps on the device. Select the category from the drop-down list. The app appears under the selected category on the device. To add a new category, click the Add New Category link.
    • Description: Enter a description for the app.
  6. Enter information into the Apps@Work Catalog section and use the following guidelines:

    • Feature this App in the Apps@Work catalog: Select if you want to highlight this app in the Featured apps list.
    • Allow app downloads over insecure networks: Select this if you are providing an Override URL (next field) that uses the HTTP URL scheme instead of HTTPS. Override URLs are intended for use behind a firewall, using a trusted and secure internal network. Before you use an HTTP URL, make sure you understand the risks of using an insecure connection.
    • Override URL: If you are using an alternate source for downloading in-house apps, enter that URL here. The URL must point to the in-house app in its alternate location. Override URLs are intended for use behind a firewall, using a trusted and secure internal network. Manual synchronization is required with the alternate HTTP server on which app are stored.

      See Override for in-house app URLs for the requirements for this configuration before using it.

    • Application Enrollment Token (AET): The app enrollment token for Apps@Work enables companies to publish and distribute apps directly to Windows Phone devices (WP8.1) and bypassing the Windows Store. Companies can install in-house apps after they enroll their phones for app distribution from their company, then users who are enrolled for app distribution can install the company apps.
    • Silent Upgrade/Install: Clearing this check box will require the device user to manually install the app. Checking this box to install the app silently. The app is installed when the device checks in with Core. User action is not required.
    • Schedule Installation: Click the check box to schedule the installation of the application, then select a Start Time and End Time. This is especially useful for installing large applications during times that the network is not busy.

      Do not select Feature this App in the Apps@Work catalog if you want to set up a schedule to install an application.

  7. Enter information into the Apps@Work Catalog section to update the information, if necessary, using the following guidelines:

    • App Icon: Click Browse... to navigate and select a new graphic. Click OK to add the graphic. You can upload one icon per app.
    • Screenshots: Click Browse... to navigate and select a new screenshot. Click OK to add the screenshot. You can upload up to four screenshots per app.
  8. Click Finish.

App Management Action Workflows

Apps@Work in Mobile@Work for Android