Secure apps installation order

You can specify the installation order for AppConnect apps (also called secure apps).

Specifying the installation order is not typically necessary. It is necessary only for a secure app that has a particular dependency on another secure app, which is not a common situation. Installing such apps in the wrong order can result in the apps not working properly. The app developers or app vendor will indicate whether such a dependency exists.

When such a dependency does exist, you configure an installation order only for the interdependent secure apps, not for all secure apps. Secure apps that are not part of the installation order are installed in alphabetical order by app name after the configured interdependent apps.

By specifying the installation order for secure apps, you ensure that apps that depend on each other can work properly.

Secure app installation order with optional secure apps

You can designate an Android secure app as optional. If you list an optional secure app in the installation order configuration, it is not installed unless the device user specifically chooses to install it.

Therefore, typically, if you list a secure app in the installation order configuration, designate it as a mandatory app. The reason the app is in the installation order configuration is because other apps depend on it to work properly, or it depends on other apps. If other apps depend on it, but it is optional and not installed, the device user will experience functionality issues with the apps that depend on it.

Specifying the installation order for secure apps

You specify that the installation order for secure apps using the AppConnect app configuration of the Secure Apps Manager in MobileIron Core. You create a special key-value pair that lists the secure apps’ package IDs in the required installation order.

Note The Following: :

  • You only specify the order for secure apps that have dependencies on each other.
  • No action is required for other secure apps. The other secure apps are installed last, in alphabetical order by application name.
  • The Secure Apps Manager is always installed first.


  1. In the Admin Portal, go to Policies & Configs > Configurations.
  2. Select the AppConnect app configuration (Setting Type is APPCONFIG) for the Secure Apps Manager.
  3. Click the Edit icon.

  4. Click Add+.
  5. For the Key, enter AC_APP_INSTALL_ORDER.
  6. For the Value, enter a list of app package IDs, separated by semi-colons, in the required installation order. For example:;

    The financetracker app will be installed first, followed by saleslogger.

    After the listed apps are installed, all other secure apps will be installed in alphabetical order by application name, as it appears in the MobileIron Core App Catalog in the App Name column. For example:

    • Divide PIM
    • File Manager
    • ThinkFree Office Viewer
  7. Click Save.

Uninstall order when you specify installation order of secure apps

If you change the labels for the device or apps so that the apps no longer apply to the device, the apps are uninstalled in the following order:

  1. Apps that are not part of the AC_APP_INSTALL_ORDER configuration are uninstalled, in reverse alphabetical order.
  2. Apps that are part of the AC_APP_INSTALL_ORDER configuration are uninstalled, in the reverse order than they are listed.

Upgrading apps when you specify the installation order of secure apps

If you add new versions of secure apps to the App Catalog, the apps are upgraded on the device in the following order:

  1. New versions of apps that are part of the AC_APP_INSTALL_ORDER configuration are upgraded in the order they are listed.
  2. New versions of apps that are not part of the AC_APP_INSTALL_ORDER configuration are upgraded in alphabetical order.

App Management Action Workflows