Working with web applications for iOS and macOS

This section includes the following sub-sections:

Enabling installation of web applications to iOS and macOS devices

You must enable the installation of web applications on managed devices by selecting the relevant options for iOS and macOS in the Apps@Work settings. These options are enabled by default.


  1. In the Admin Portal, go to Apps > Apps@Work Settings.
  2. Under Web Applications, select the following:

    • Enable Installation of Web Applications on iOS.
    • Enable Installation of Web Applications on macOS.

    The feature is enabled by default.

Adding a web application to the App Catalog on iOS and macOS devices

Web applications can be launched from Apps@Work and installed to iOS and macOS devices.

Before you begin 

Enable the installation of web applications, as described in Enabling installation of web applications to iOS and macOS devices.


  1. In the Admin Portal, go to Apps > App Catalog.
  2. Select Web Application from the Platform list.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Click Web Application.
  5. Enter the following information:



    Application Name

    Enter a name, no more than 255 characters, for the web application.

    This name displays on the device.

    App URL

    Enter the address or URL for the target of the web clip.

    The URL must include the prefix http://, https://, or mibrowser://.

    You can enter up to 255 characters.

    If you enter the prefix mibrowser://, the URL opens in Web@Work. Web@Work must be installed on the device.

  6. Click Next.
  7. Use the following guidelines to complete this page:




    Enter the name of the developer for this web application.


    Enter additional information to describe the app.


    Select one or more categories to display this app in a category tab in Apps@Work or add a new category.

    a. Click Add New Category to define new categories.
    b. Enter a category Name (up to 64 characters).
    c. Enter a Description (up to 255 characters).
    d. In the Category Icon section, click the Replace Icon button.
    e. Browse and select an icon that will represent this Category.
    f. Click Save.

    Feature this App in the Apps@Work catalog

    Select Yes to display the app in the Featured List on the device.

    The app will also display in all the categories you selected.

  8. Click Next.
  9. Use the following guidelines to complete this page:



    App Icon

    Click Browse to navigate and select a graphic for the web clip.

  10. Click Finish.

Taking actions on web applications for iOS and macOS

You can take the following actions on a selected web application:

Table 1. Web Application action items




Click Delete to delete the web application from MobileIron Core and remove it from Apps@Work.

Apply To Label

Click Actions > Apply to Label to select the label to apply.

The web application will be available in Apps@Work for the devices associated with the label.

Remove From Label

Click Actions > Remove From Label to deselect the labels.

The web application will be removed from Apps@Work for the devices associated with the label.

Viewing the number of iOS and macOS devices with web applications installed

You can view the number of devices to which a given web application is installed.

NOTE: This feature is not supported for iOS devices when MobileIron Core is configured for MAM-only iOS devices.


  1. In the Admin Portal, go to Apps > App Catalog.
  2. Under Platform, select Web Application.

    The web applications in the App Catalog are displayed.

    The number in the Devices column indicates the number of devices on which the web application is installed.

    NOTE: The number in the Devices column will display as 0 if Enable Installation of Web Applications is disabled.
  3. Click on the number to see a list of devices.

NOTE: Web applications are not tracked in the Installed Apps.

Confirming web application installation to iOS and macOS devices

You can confirm a web application has been installed to a given device. You can also confirm that a web application has been installed to a device by checking that the web application icon is shown in Apps@Work.

NOTE: This feature is not supported for iOS devices when MobileIron Core is configured for MAM-only iOS devices.


  1. In the Admin Portal, go to Devices & Users > Devices.
  2. Under Platform, select Web Application.
  3. Click the upward arrow (^) next to the relevant device.
  4. Click the Configurations tab.
  5. Locate the web clip you sent to the devices.
  6. Its status should read Applied.

Allow removal of web application from iOS device

You can allow iOS device users to remove web applications from their devices.


  1. In the Admin Portal, go to Policies & Configs > Configurations.
  2. To filter by configuration type, in the Configuration Type field, select from the drop-down WebClip.
  3. Select the preferred WebClip and click the Edit button.

    The Modify WebClips Setting dialog box opens. Note that the Removable column displays "false" to indicate device users are not allowed to remove / uninstall Web Clips themselves (default).

  4. In the Web Clips field, select the link of the Web Clip name. 

    The Edit Web Clip dialog box opens.

  5. Select Removable and then click Save

    In the Modify Web Clips Setting dialog box, the Removable column now displays "true" for the selected WebClip. Device users will be able to remove / uninstall the WebClip.

  6. Click Save.

Troubleshooting web application installation for iOS

Enable Installation of Web Applications on iOS is not checked

When you tap the icon, the details page displays the Launch button. Tapping the Launch button brings up the web page in a browser.

If the web application points to a mibrowser:// URL, the web page opens in Web@Work. You must have Web@Work installed on your device to view a web page with the mibrowser:// prefix.

Enable Installation of Web Applications on iOS is checked

If the feature is enabled, when you tap the web application in Apps@Work, the details page displays the Request button.

NOTE: The details page will display the Launch button if Enable Installation of Web Applications is disabled.

Tapping the Request button installs the web clip to the device. The status of the button changes to Installed after the web application is installed on the device.

The device user can tap on the web clip to access the link. You do not have to go to the Apps@Work to access the link.

Confirming receipt of web clips on iOS devices

Device users can confirm that they have received the relevant web clips from MobileIron Core by going to Settings > General > Device management > MobileIron > Web Clips on their iOS devices.