Customizing the Mobile@Work self-service user portal

Beginning with MobileIron Core release, you can customize the logo, text, and company name for your Mobile@Work self-service user portal.


  1. From the Admin portal, navigate to Settings > System Settings > General > Self-Service Portal. The Self-Service Portal page displays.

  2. Company Name: Enter a customized company name.

  3. Company Logo: Upload a customized company logo. Images can be JPG or PNG format, and must not exceed 250 by 50 pixels.

  4. Login Page Message: Modify or replace the existing message that displays on the Self-Service Portal's log in page, up to 1,000 characters.

  5. Click Save. A confirmation message displays.

    Modify the following URL to see the new custom portal page on Core:

  6. Verify the new custom portal page on Core by substituting your Core hostname and SSP user name:
