Installing VMware ISO

Complete the following steps to install Ivanti EPMM using VMware ISO distribution.


  1. If you have not done so already, create a VM that meets the specifications recommended by Ivanti. See Virtual Ivanti EPMM requirements for recommended specifications.

  2. Make sure the MAC address is set to: Static allocation.

  3. Place the ISO distribution in an existing vSphere datastore.
  4. In the vSphere Client, select the Edit Settings option for the VM you created.

  5. Select Datastore ISO File.
  6. Click Browse to select the Ivanti EPMM ISO distribution.
  7. Make sure the Connected and Connect at power on options in the Virtual Machine Properties window are selected.
  8. Select Host Device.
  9. Click OK.
  10. Power on the VM.
    The VM automatically installs and reloads after a few minutes, and the installation program starts. See Installing Ivanti EPMM ISO onto an appliance for the next steps.