Ivanti EPMM upgrade information

For detailed instructions on how to upgrade Ivanti EPMM using this upgrade information, see the Ivanti EPMM System Manager Guide.

Ivanti EPMM and Enterprise Connector should be running the same version and the same build.

Before you begin 

Read Before you upgrade.

Ivanti EPMM upgrade readiness checklists

This section provides checklists to help you successfully complete the upgrade process for Ivanti EPMM and Sentry software. The checklists include:

Pre-Upgrade checklist

Before you upgrade, we encourage you to do a pre-upgrade checklist.

WARNING: Do NOT perform a forced update. Your system might behave in an unexpected way if you upgrade to using this CLISH command: software force-update.

Table 136.  Pre-upgrade checklist
Check Tasks References


Prepare and plan for downtime

  • Ivanti EPMM (1 - 3 hours)
  • Sentry (5 - 20 minutes)


Review relevant documentation

See Ivanti EPMM product documentation.


Check certificates

  • iOS Enrollment, Portal HTTPS, Client TLS certificates

    When using mutual authentication, the Portal HTTPS certificate must be a publicly trusted certificate from a well-known Certificate Authority. For details, see Mutual authentication between devices and Ivanti EPMM in the Ivanti EPMM Device Management Guide for iOS and macOS devices.

  • MDM Certificate (check a month before expires)
  • Local CA

Knowledge Base article: Renewing an expired local CA certificate.


Check disk space for upgrade

Ensure to have 40GB of free disk space available for upgrade. For more information, see Check disk space availabilityBefore you begin 


Check Boot partition

Verify you have at least 35 MB free for /boot.


Ensure there is enough disk space

  • Old File System (2 GB /mi and 5 GB /mi/files)
  • New File System (10 GB /mi)
  • If there is insufficient storage, increase the available disk space. See this VMware knowledge base (KB) article and this VMware KB article for information. Note that these are third-party articles hosted by VMware, whose locations are subject to change. Contact Ivanti Support if you need shell access to the Ivanti EPMM VM.


Check for new system requirements

  • Minimum 80 GB hard drive
  • If there is insufficient storage, increase the available disk space. See this VMware knowledge base (KB) article and this VMware KB article for information. Note that these are third-party articles hosted by VMware, whose locations are subject to change. Contact Ivanti Support if you need shell access to the Ivanti EPMM VM.
  • Call Ivanti support if issues persist when physical appliances and VMs have the minimum required disk space configured
  • Port 8443 for Summary MICS - Configuration Service (that is, the service that supports System Manager.)


Review your backup and high availability options

  • Physical backup: built in backup, showtech all
  • VMware backup: VDMK backup, snapshot
  • High Availability: confirm HA version 2.0

If using HA 1.0, contact Ivanti Professional Services to upgrade to 2.0.


Set up your proxy configuration (if required)

Manually set the upgrade URL and use HTTP instead of HTTPS.


Prepare test devices

  • Client: Get clean test devices, open client and check-in, check iOS log.
  • Ivanti EPMM: Note the watchlist and label numbers.


Check unsupported search fields

Starting in the release, the system runs a pre-upgrade check validation to stop the upgrade if there are any unsupported search fields. The system also performs additional validations when you create or update labels and spaces. See the following KB article for more information on what to do if unsupported fields are found: https://forums.ivanti.com/s/article/EPMM-11-9-x-x-Unsupported-custom-criteria-for-Label-Space-and-Search-features
Note: When you upgrade, use the System Manager portal only so that the pre-upgrade unsupported search fields checks can take place.

Check disk space availability

Before you begin 

Before you upgrade, check disk space availability. At least 40GB of disk space must be available for an upgrade to be successful.

If at least 40GB of disk space is not available, contact Ivanti Technical Support before proceeding with the upgrade.

For more information, see KB article.

Use one of the following methods to check disk space availability:

The CLI command: show system disk

The following sample output shows the available disk space in the last line. It is 15M in this example.

CORE( system disk

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on

/dev/sda3 181G 20G 153G 12% /

tmpfs 16G 4.0K 16G 1% /dev/shm

/dev/sda1 95M 76M 15M 84% /boot

The System Manager

The System Manager > Maintenance > System Storage menu shows you how much Ivanti EPMM system storage you are using, and how much is still available.


  1. In the System Manager, go to Maintenance > System storage.
  2. Click More Details next to the System Storage bar that shows percent used.
  3. In this example, the available disk space is 190M.

Upgrade considerations

After the pre-upgrade planning, we recommend you review the following considerations:

Table 137.  upgrade considerations
Check Considerations References


DB Schema and Data

Run pre-validation check after downloading the repository from System Manager. If this task fails, contact Ivanti Support.


Understand the stages

  • Download vs. Stage for installation
  • Reboot when the system displays:
    Reboot to install https://<serverFQDN>:8443/upgrade/status


Leverage CLI upgrade commands (as appropriate)

See Ivanti EPMM Command Line Interface Guide.


Understand scenario options

Single server

High availability—Option 1: little downtime:

  • Upgrade secondary
  • Upgrade primary

High availability—Option 2: zero downtime:

  • Upgrade secondary
  • Failover to secondary
  • Upgrade primary
  • Re-establish sync

Download guide: Ivanti EPMM High Availability Management Guide

Review section: High Availability Ivanti EPMM Software Upgrade Procedures


Monitor the upgrade

  • Log into the Admin Portal
  • Select Logs > MDM Logs > States > Waiting XML generation pending
  • Monitor upgrade status using:


Additional reboot

Due to a kernel upgrade, an additional reboot is performed when you upgrade. It may take longer than expected for Ivanti EPMM to become available on the network.


Upgrade impact on Windows devices

In some cases, when an administrator initiates Reset PIN for a Windows Phone 10 device, the device does not return a new PIN for that device.

For more information, see the following knowledge base article: Ivanti EPMM Product Bulletin: Reset Pin command Fails to return a New Pin for Windows Phones 10 Devices



HTTPS/ port 443 is the default port for fresh installations, but upgraded environments keep the previous port open, for example, port 8080.

Post-Upgrade checklist

After completing the upgrade, we recommend the following verification checklist.

Table 138.  Post-upgrade checklist
Check Tasks References


Testing and troubleshooting

  1. Log into the System Manager
  2. Select Maintenance > Software Updates > Software Version
  3. Verify that the new version is listed
  4. DO NOT re-boot the system once the upgrade process has begun
  5. Call Ivanti Support for further investigation


Verify services

  • Log into the Admin Portal
  • Select Services > Overview
  • Click Verify All


Verify devices

  • Register a new device
  • Re-enroll/check-in existing devices


HA system cleanup

  • Set secondary back to secondary
  • Confirm sync

Ivanti EPMM upgrade paths

We recommend the following upgrade paths, which are fully tested and supported:

Ivanti EPMM upgrade URL

To upgrade Ivanti EPMM, use the following URL if you specify an alternate URL:

Backing up Ivanti EPMM

Ivanti recommends that you make a local backup of Ivanti EPMM before starting an upgrade. For more information on backing up Ivanti EPMM, see the Ivanti EPMM System Manager Guide.