These are cumulative release notes. If a release does not appear in this section, then there were no associated limitations.

1474959: When using formatting options in mail, the underline and strikethrough cannot be used while typing.
1466690: Due to performance limitations, searching events is limited to three years in the past and six months in the future.

1297013: User with Full Access permission level is able to forward meeting invites when using a shared mailbox.

MIPIM-10939: After downgrading the permission from Editor or Author to a Reviewer, the Reviewer is able to send the draft emails that were created earlier by them as an Editor or Author.

- MIPIM-11063: Microsoft server does not provide any permissions to load sub folders and doesn't return in requests for the sub folders synchronization so sub folder in the Inbox is not displayed for added delegated mailbox of such accounts in Email+ as well as on Outlook.
- MIPIM-11054: EWS is not supported by Microsoft 365 with cert_base authentication type. Hence, Email+ with "CBA + Microsoft365 do not support Delegated Calendar and Delegated Mailbox.
- MIPIM-10951: If an email is sent to Email+ which has one Primary Mailbox and four Delegated Mailbox, then five notifications are delivered, two immediately, and three one-by-one based on notification interval for interval based notifications.
- MIPIM-10948: When forwarding event from Delegated Calendar, the user adds attachment to the email but the recipient might receive email with attachment, but the event details are not forwarded. This is a server limitation.
- MIPIM-10890: After upgrading iOS to 17x, personal calendars become unavailable in Email+ due to calendar permissions for Email+ being changed by iOS to "Add Events Only". To restore that, the user has to go to device Settings -> Email+ and manually give "Full Access" permissions.
- MIPIM-10882: When a mail is sent from Delegated Mailbox, it is getting stuck in the Outbox.

- MIPIM-10890: After upgrading iOS to 17.0, the personal calendar selection screen is prompted.

- MIPIM-10419: The Email+ app does not apply scale down to the email print preview.
- MIPIM-10380: After upgrading from the Email+ app from 4.6.0 to 4.7.0 version, the Email+ icon changes between the old and new icon.
- MIPIM-10358: In some cases, the print preview option displays the first page as blank on print preview screen.
- MIPIM-10336: The Email+ app might stop responding when trying to print an email which consists of more than 45 pages of A4 page size.
- MIPIM-10318: New Private Events changes on OWA/Outlook are not getting applied immediately to Email+ for the below scenarios. User has to wait for some time for the changes to be synced by Email+.
- When the user moves Email+ to background and then brings it to foreground.
- When user force kills Email+ app and then launches it.

- MIPIM-10186: Due to protocol limitation, the meeting invite might be missing in the calendar invite which was forwarded by a delegate by attaching an attachment to it.
- MIPIM-10106: Exchange Web Services (EWS) traffic cannot be routed through proxy due to a limitation on the Microsoft Exchange.

MIPIM-9791: While adding a delegated calendar in Email+ the error message "You don't have access to this account" may come even if the calendar was successfully 'delegated' via Outlook for desktop. This calendar may have been 'shared' earlier via OWA.
To fix it, all permissions given to the delegate should be removed and the delegation should be added afresh using Outlook for desktop.

- MIPIM-9850: Email+ attachments might get corrupted on some iOS 16 beta devices with arm64 architecture. The following are the affected devices:
- iPhone 8
- iPhone 8 Plus
- iPhone X
- iPad (Generation 5 to 7)
- iPad Pro (Generation 1 and 2)
- iPad mini (Generation 4 and lower)

- MIPIM-9791: While adding a delegated calendar in Email+ the error message "You don't have access to this account" may come even if the calendar was successfully 'delegated' via Outlook for desktop. This calendar may have been 'shared' earlier via OWA. To fix it, all permissions given to the delegate should be removed and the delegation should be added afresh using Outlook for desktop.

- MIPIM-9166: If there are special characters in the first, last, or display name, the email address might get corrupted during sync up. The Email+ app removes the corrupted email addresses from the input field in the email composer.