Resolved issues
These are cumulative release notes. If a release does not appear in this section, then there were no associated resolved issues.

- 1529657: Previously, the Email+ app would stop responding if there was looped certificate chain present in Email+ Keystore. This issue has been fixed.

- 1464317: Disabled reply action for delivery receipt messages.
1474267: Previously, email was not sent automatically from Outbox even after connection was restored. This issue has been fixed.
- 1468518: Previously, the contacts with Phonetic names were not imported from Email+ to iOS Native contacts app. This issue has been fixed.
1473882: Previously, user selected Default Dialer was not used to make calls. This issue has been fixed.
1474504: Previously, in some cases email that was stuck in Outbox and was not sent automatically even after timeout. This was fixed

- 1464434: Previously, when the Export to Personal setting was enabled it would get disabled after sometime. This issue has been fixed.

- 1423768: Previously, the user was unable to reply to emails if they had set non-English language for the Shared Mailbox account on Microsoft Outlook Web Access. This issue has been fixed.
- 1356877: The Reply action is now disabled for read receipts emails.

- 1438651: Previously, in some cases the Email+ 4.12.0 app would fail to trigger the per-app VPN connection using Tunnel when it was launched. The issue has been fixed.
- 1437273: Previously, for Email+ 4.12.0 version when the interval-based notifications were configured without a configured EWS server, the users would get a prompt to enter a password while using the application. This issue has been fixed.

- 1214895: Previously, the mails would open in mailboxes list rather than Inbox even after restart. This issue has been fixed.
- 1277286: Previously, when the EAS version was changes the following error message was displayed "Supported EAS version changed, please re-launch Email+ application". This issue has been fixed.
- 1214748: Improved folder synchronization on first application launch.
- 1214768: The profile photo of the contact from server is now getting displayed.
- 1213687: Previously, on iPad, mails from Delegated Mailbox was not cleared even after the Mailbox was removed. This issue has been fixed.
- 1213902: The new subfolders added to delegated and shared mailboxes are now immediately displayed in OWA.
- 1213913: Previously. on iPhone when Delegated Mailbox access was removed it did not take the user to Mailboxes screen when the mail was opened. This issue has been fixed.
- 1213975: Previously, on iPad the email would not get deleted and body would display verifying even when the user had deleted the email from email view screen. This issue has been fixed.
- 1214104: The Contacts are now getting updated on OS17.
- 1214545: Previously, the devices using iOS 17.x version the allow access screen was not displayed on the Personal Calendars tab if 'Add Events Only' permission was granted. This issue has been fixed.

- 1380943: Previously, events were not getting synced for users with uppercase letters in their email addresses. This issue has been fixed.

- 1214817: Previously with Email+ 4.10.1, the .eml file with the phishing report generated by the Email+ app was getting corrupted. This issue has been fixed.
- 1214764: Previously, after performing upgrade to Email+ 4.10.0 version when the Email+ app launched it displayed blank screen for couple of email+ accounts with high folder size. This issue has been fixed.
- 1214678: The Email+ Real Time Push Notifications or Interval Based Notifications were not working in some particular cases. This issue has been fixed.
- 1213053: Previously, Email+ builds certificate chain based on one-to-many links to the issuer certificate. If intermediate certificate was expired and replaced with new one, then the chain was not rebuilt or even if it was rebuilt the key store contained several certificates with the same subjectHash. Due to this a random intermediate certificate was included in certificate chain and verification result was unpredictable. This issue has been fixed.

- MIPIM-11099: Previously, when a user was trying to share logs from the Tunnel iOS app to the Email+ app the attachments were missing for Email 4.9.0. This issue has been fixed.
- MIPIM-11074: Previously, the Phishing report was not being sent for Delegated Mailboxes as per the permission level. This issue has been fixed.
- MIPIM-11053: Previously, on Microsoft 365, when user tried to forward a signed/encrypted email it would show as loading attachments, but the attachment was not downloaded and hence email would not be sent. This issue has been fixed.
- MIPIM-11042: Previously, the Email+ 4.9.0 app was opening Primary mailbox instead of Delegated Mailbox when opening group notification. This happened if primary mailbox and at least one Delegated Mailbox was added. This issue has been fixed.
- MIPIM-10976: When we add Custom Attribute variable like ${userFirstName} ${userLastName} as a value to iOS E+ KVP email_default_signature in Email+ iOS config, the expected result is that these variables should get replaced with the actual values and they should be sent to the iOS devices as part of Email+ iOS config. But these variables were not replaced with actual values instead the same variables were being sent to the iOS devices. As a result , these variables are shown to the enduser in the signature field when Email+ is registered with Ivanti Neurons for MDM. This issue has been fixed.

- MIPIM-11017: With Email+4.9.0 release, the Smart Send setting is now enabled even if the user had manually disabled it before. This is only Email+4.9.0 release and will not happen in the future releases of Email+.
- MIPIM-10776: Previously, when the Compose option for Reviewer level Delegated Mailbox was disabled it was displayed in Blue color instead of Grey. This issue has been fixed.
- MIPIM-9649: Previously, when mailto:// links was clicked from a third-party app and website, Email+ did not open a new email for the user to compose. This issue has been fixed.

- MIPIM-10728: When replying to a mail which consists of a logo in the signature now displays the logo correctly instead of an empty placeholder.
- MIPIM-10617: Previously, the Email+ app was unable to configure OAuth in Email+ for the customers leveraging Azure China tenants operated by 21Vianet. This issue has been fixed.
- MIPIM-10527: Previously, the classification markers deployed via JSON within the Email+ configuration were disappearing at random. This issue has been fixed now.
- MIPIM-10374: Previously, when Email+ was configured with "always_fetch_mime = true" key-value pair, then Email+ was unable to read text email with embedded link. Remove this KVP and the email is readable.
- MIPIM-10333: Previously, during email exchanges between Email+ app and Microsoft Outlook the mail thread references in the extracted mail in the Outlook app were displayed as comma separated strings instead of line breaks. This issue has been fixed.
- MIPIM-10278: Previously, the event was lost for specific accounts, when user forwarded delegated calendar event by adding an attachment, the event was not sent to the recipient nor it was saved in either Drafts or Outbox. This issue has been fixed.

- MIPIM-10603: The Audio files now play when AppConnect Copy and Paste policy is set to either "AppConnect" or "Disabled."
- MIPIM-10541: Previously, when a user performed any swipe action such as Move to Folder, Flag, or Delete in the mail list view, the selected swipe action was applied to the new mail rather than the selected mail. This issue has been fixed.

- MIPIM-10548: Previously, the voiceover feature for iOS did not pronounce the Flag and Delete buttons correctly in the Email+ app. The issue is fixed for the refactored mail list, which is an early preview feature. It can be enabled by adding modern_mail_list flag to enabled_features.

- MIPIM-10519: Previously, when a user opened an email and tried to perform the Delete, Read, Unread, Flag, Complete, or Move To Folder action then this action was triggered on the first email in the Inbox of Email+ instead of the opened email. This issue has been fixed.

- MIPIM-10276: Calendar delegation feature might not get disabled after removing the calendar_delegation flag from enabled_features and ews_min_allowed_auth_mode key-value pair at the same time.
Workaround: Remove calendar_delegation flag to disable this feature. After calendar delegation is disabled, ews_min_allowed_auth_mode key-value pair can be removed at a later time.
- MIPIM-10037: Previously, the Attachment size exceeded alert was not displayed when downloading an Event attachment. This issue has been fixed.
MIPIM-10025: Server search in Drafts folder is now available for Exchange ActiveSync 16. Add eas_16 value to enabled_features to enable EAS16.
- MIPIM-9759: The spinner in the status bar no longer keeps spinning all the time when the Email+ app is opened in the foreground.
- MIPIM-9429: Previously, the Task that was created in the Email+ app with special symbols in the Subject field were not syncing with the server. This issue has been fixed.

- MIPIM-10140: Previously, all the events of the owner would get removed from the Delegated Calendar when the owner enabled or disabled private events permission on the Email+ server. This issue has been fixed.
- MIPIM-9729: On iOS 16 devices, administrators can now disable the “Search Web” context menu when the AppConnect Data Loss Prevention policy is enabled.
- MIPIM-9166: Previously, when a new email was sent to a user with a display name in the "LastName, FirstName" format in the Email+ app and was saved in the Draft folder, would display the name in the"To" field as two different email IDs in the Outlook app. This issue has been fixed.

- MIPIM-10064: Previously, the Email+ app was unable to fetch the certificates that were uploaded to GAL for email encryption. This issue has been fixed.

- MIPIM-10048: Previously, the Email+ app did not apply encryption automatically when replying back to Signed and Encrypted emails. This issue has been fixed.

- MIPIM-9984: Previously, when Chrome was set as the default browser using email_url_scheme_http and email_url_scheme_https KVPs, the hyperlinks did not open in the Chrome browser. This issue has been fixed.
Additionally, the url scheme values have been changed for Opera:
- email_url_scheme_http: touch-http
- email_url_scheme_https: touch-https
The following new url scheme values have been added for Edge and Firefox
- Microsoft Edge:
- email_url_scheme_http: microsoft-edge-http
- email_url_scheme_https: microsoft-edge-https
- Firefox:
- email_url_scheme_http: firefox
- email_url_scheme_https: firefox
- MIPIM-9941: Previously, the inline images in an email body with same filenames but different files extensions would get mixed up. This issue has been fixed.
- MIPIM-9919: Previously, after changing the email password on the server, the password prompt could appear without or with a frozen keyboard. The issue has been fixed.
- MIPIM-9682: Previously, the Spoken_Content Feature in some instances was not reading the complete email content in the Email+ app, and the email subject was read twice. This issue has been fixed.
- MIPIM-9509: The images in the email signature no longer get swapped between the sender and receiver emails when both users have an image in a signature.

- MIPIM-9843, SET-23054: Previously, the Email+ 4.4.0 app sync was failing in case Sentry was used for Microsoft Office 365 connection and conditional access rules on Microsoft Azure allowed traffic from Sentry, not devices. This issue has been fixed.
- MIPIM-9831, SET-23036: Previously, there was a delay in loading emails in low network connectivity specifically in case of SMIME emails. The network connectivity logic has been enhanced to improve performance. This issue has been fixed.

- MIPIM-9540, SET-22058, SET-21756: Previously, when a user replied to a specific email containing bare line feeds (BLFR) and submitted it to a server that did not allow BLFR, caused an error where the mail client being unable to submit this message. Now the Email+ client recognizes BLFR and removes the troublesome lines in order to mitigate the error.
- MIPIM-9528, SET-22694: In some cases, embedded inline images sent from OWA to Email+ could be elongated. This issue has been fixed.
- MIPIM-9511, SET-22652: In some cases, the Email+ app was not displaying any changes made to the recurring calendar invite in the daily view mode. The issue was reported for the Japanese language but it has been fixed for all languages.
- MIPIM-8396, SET-20627: Previously, the voiceover feature for iOS did not pronounce the Flag and Delete buttons correctly in the Email+ app. The issue is fixed for the refactored mail list which is an early preview feature. It can be enabled by adding modern_mail_list flag to enabled_features.
- MIPIM-7916: Previously, when replying to an event the Email+ app did not exclude the email addresses that were added to the alias list. This issue has been fixed.

- MIPIM-9496, SET-22589: Previously, the dial-in option for a Microsoft Teams event was not working when the "richtext_event_support" value was added to "enabled_features" key-value pair. This issue has been fixed.
- MIPIM-9487: Email+ for iOS no longer crashes with Google Exchange Account.
- MIPIM-9484, SET-22554: In some cases, users would observe a delay in downloading the full body of the message. This issue has been fixed.

- MIPIM-9462: During Email+ upgrade, the database migration would get stuck on the "Optimizing Database" screen for some user accounts. This issue has been fixed.

- MIPIM-9385: Previously, in some cases a new email would not render properly in the Email+ app. This issue has been fixed.
- MIPIM-9278: Mails in German language are now localized correctly, even when the mails are moved from one folder to another in the Email+ app.
- MIPIM-9233: If a draft is created in Email+, synced with Outlook, and then edited and saved again in Outlook, angular brackets no longer get appended to the recipient field and to the recipient contact each time the draft is edited.
- MIPIM-9232, MIPIM-9413: Upgrading Email+ to 4.1.1 or lower would reset the Email+ app on some devices. With upgrade to Email+ 4.2.0, the contents of the Email+ app are now resynced and restored from the server automatically.
The contents of the Draft folder are not retained if the draft was created on the Email+ app.
- MIPIM-9179: Previously, when the Calendar view was switched from Month to Day, the Email+ calendar day view would display incorrect event details. This issue has been fixed.
- MIPIM-9121: Previously on the Email+ app, attachments were corrupted on some devices. This issue has been fixed.

- MIPIM-9257, SET-22202: Previously on particular mail servers, the mail body was not displayed when replying to an email in plain text format. This issue has been fixed.

- MIPIM-9174, SET-20692: Previously, the Email+ app calendar displayed all day events stretched for the whole day instead of a tile. This happened only on the days when daylight saving started or stopped as per local time zone. This issue has been fixed with a transition to Exchange ActiveSync 16 protocol. Add the modern_sync_engine and eas_16 values to the enabled_features key-value pair. The Exchange server should also support EAS16 protocol.
- MIPIM-9147: Previously, the Speak Content Accessibility function was not working on iOS 13 devices. This issue has been fixed.
- MIPIM-8807: Previously, the network activity indicated by a spinner in the status bar would spin constantly. The issue has been fixed in the new sync engine by adding modern_sync_engine value to enabled_features key-value pair.