Activating Mobile Threat Defense

When you have completed the MTD prerequisites, you can activate Mobile Threat Defense Solution for your managed devices.

Before you begin 

Retrieve your unique encrypted Mobile Threat Defense activation code from your MTD representative.


  1. From the admin console, go to Configurations.
  2. Click +Add.
  3. Click Mobile Threat Defense Activation.
  4. In the Create Mobile Threat Defense Configuration page, enter a name for the configuration.
  5. (Optional) Enter a description.
  6. In the Configuration Setup section, select the vendor Zimperium.
  7. In the License Key field, enter your unique encrypted Mobile Threat Defense activation code.
  8. In the Wake up Intervals (mins) field, keep the default value of 60 minutes, or set a higher or lower value. Note that more frequent wake-up times may result in unacceptable battery usage for iOS clients.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Select the Enable this configuration option.
  11. Select one of the following distribution options:

    • All Devices
    • No Devices (default)
    • Custom
  12. Click Done.

For help activating MTD on Apple Automated Device Enrollment or International Roaming Expert Group (IREG) enrolled clients, see the knowledge-based article Allow MTD-activation of devices using Go client when app has been suspended or killed on the MTD support website.