Giving device users the option to continue to a 'Risky URL'

This feature allows Administrators to give device users the final say whether or not to block a website that has been flagged as "risky" by the MTD anti-phishing configuration.


  • If MTD is used in a bring your own device (BYOD) environment, users can still control their browsing choices while being made aware of the risk.

  • If a website is incorrectly flagged as Risky, the Administrator can give the user the power to select Continue Anyway at the warning and continue to the website.

To enable this option, you must un-check the option Block detected phishing URLs on the MTD console > Phishing Policy page.


  1. From the MTD console, navigate to the Phishing Policy page.

  2. Find the option Block detected phishing URLs and disable (un-check) it.