Overview of Standalone Sentry settings

The settings tab in the Standalone Sentry System Manager contains links for configuring Standalone Sentry. To log in to the Sentry System Manager, go to

Table 1. Configuration links in the Settings tab



Network: Interfaces

Change physical interface settings.

Add VLAN interfaces.

Change VLAN interfaces.

Network: Routes

Change the default gateway.

Route through different gateways.

DNS and Hostname

Change DNS servers.

Static Hosts

Edit the host list for the Standalone Sentry.

Date and Time (NTP)

Change the time source used by the Standalone Sentry.


Change the Enable Secret set during installation.

Enable or Disable ssh access.

Change ssh settings.


Configure Splunk server.


Configure Syslog servers.

Log Upload

Upload Sentry log files to MobileIron Technical Support or other support provider.


Configure SNMP servers.

Email Settings

Configure SMTP servers.


Enable or Disable Sentry services.

Services: Sentry

Allow or block New device access when MobileIron UEM is unreachable.

Services: Sentry: Cipher Suites & Protocols

Customize Cipher Suites and Protocols settings.