Re-pushing Exchange settings

You may need to re-push the Exchange setting in some cases, such as, after you have regenerated the encryption key for attachment control.

WARNING: The re-push sends the Exchange setting to all devices with the appropriate label, not just the iOS devices.

MobileIron advises caution when re-pushing the Exchange setting. On each affected device, the re-push causes the email app that uses the Exchange setting to:

re-sync its emails, calendar items, tasks, and contacts. For example, the email app removes all emails from its email folders and then re-fetches the emails from the ActiveSync server.
in some cases, prompt the device user to reenter his password for accessing email.

The easiest way to re-push an Exchange setting to a device is to make a simple change, such as adding a space at the end of the Description field. The next time each device checks in, MobileIron Core will send the Exchange setting to the device.


1. In the Admin Portal, go to Policies & Configs > Configurations.
2. Select an Exchange setting that uses the Standalone Sentry with the changed attachment control option.
3. Click Edit to open the Modify Exchange Setting screen displays.
4. Add a space to the end of the Description field.
5. Click Save.
6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 for each Exchange setting that uses the Standalone Sentry with the changed attachment control option.