XML Support

XML Support Through the CIE

Ivanti Connect Secure supports Web applications that use DTDs, XML schemas, and XML islands within an HTML file. When creating XML content, however, please note the following guidelines:

Ivanti Connect Secure does not support referencing style sheets or DTDs on a separate server.

Ivanti Connect Secure does not support using the document call.

Ivanti Connect Secure does not support using the CSS extension for the Microsoft alpha image loader when rewriting XSLT style sheets. However, you can use the alpha image loader if you do not invoke XSLT expressions. For example, the CIE does not support the STYLE portion of the following code:

<!-- This DIV is the target container for the filter. -->

<DIV ID="oDiv" STYLE="position:relative; width:200px; color:gold; filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader( src='/workshop/graphics/earglobe.gif');" >

The World


Ivanti Connect Secure does not support XSL style sheets that use Microsoft WD-XSL and that use XSL expressions to construct hyperlinks. Ivanti Connect Secure delivers your page correctly, however, provided all hyperlinks within the page do not use XSL expressions.

Ivanti Connect Secure does not support passing the parameters of ActiveX or Applet objects using XSLT expressions. If you do not use HTML hyperlinks, however, the objects function properly.

Ivanti Connect Secure does not support manipulating DTD, Xlink, XForm, and XInclude using XSLT expressions. If you do not use XSLT expressions when creating these, however, the page functions properly through Ivanti Connect Secure.

Ivanti Connect Secure does not support rewriting DTDs inside an HTML file.

Ivanti Connect Secure does not support using XSLT expressions to generate HTML hyperlinks inside JavaScript or VBScript statements. As long as XSLT expression is not used to generate a hyper link inside javascript or VBScript, the page functions properly.