Creating a Single Sign-On Autopolicy (Windows Only)
Single sign-on (SSO) autopolicies configure the system to automatically submit credentials to a Windows share or directory so that the user does not have to reenter his credentials.
To create a Windows SSO autopolicy:
1.Create a Windows file resource profile.
2.Click Show ALL autopolicy types.
3.Select the Autopolicy: Windows Server Single Sign-On check box.
4.In the Resource field, specify the resource to which this policy applies using the format: \\server[\share[\path]].
5.Select one of the following options:
•Use predefined credentials - Select this option if you want to specify credentials to pass to the Windows share or directory. Then:
•In the Username field, enter variable (such as <username> or a static username (such as administrator) to submit to the Windows share or directory. When entering a variable, you may also include a domain. For example,\<username>.
•Enter a variable (such as <password> in the Variable Password field or enter a static password in the Variable field. Note that the system masks the password you enter here with asterisks.
When entering static credentials, note that the file browsing server maintains the connections open to a server share, however, so connecting to a different folder on the same share using a different account may not work reliably.
If the specified credentials fail, the system may submit alternative credentials.
•Disable SSO - Select this option if you do not want the system to automatically submit credentials to the specified Windows share or directory.
6.Click Save Changes.