
  1. If vendor generated hardware ID is available, administrator can upload the ID to Intune and assign the profile and group. Go to Step 3.
  2. If the Hardware ID is not available, set up the hardware ID in Intune. See, Configuration on Windows endpoints.
  3. To provision the system, click Provision on the screen and follow the instructions.
    Green background indicates Windows Autopilot Configuration screen is successful. The screen displays a QR code along with other details. Click Reseal. On reseal, the system turns-off.
    Red background indicates that the provisioning is not successful. In that case, reset the system and repeat the steps. Ensure the system is TPM 2.0 compliant. Also, check the configuration on Intune.
  4. Turn on the system and set up the device as required. A login screen appears. Enter the on-Prem AD credentials.
  5. On set up, a screen for login appears. Enter the Azure AD credentials. On sign-in, the system is registered with the organization.
  6. Open Ivanti Secure Access Client, check if the tunnel is established with the Ivanti Connect Secure. Add profiles as needed using Add Connection.