Using the Device Summary Report

This topic describes the device summary report.

About the Device Summary Report

The device summary report displays device information such as device detail, MAC address, last login time, last login IP, login successful, and so on for each user based on device activity in the selected time range.

Displaying the Device Summary Report

To display the device summary report:

1.Select System > Reports > Device Summary.

2.Select one of the following periods from the Date Range list box:

Last 24 Hours - (Default) Refers to the last 24 hours from the current hour.

Last 7 Days - Refers to current day and the previous last 6 days.

Last 30 Days - Refers to current day and the previous last 29 days.

3.Enter search criteria in one or more of the following columns:

Last Login Username

MAC Address

4.Click Apply Filter.

Figure shows the device summary report for Ivanti Connect Secure.

Table describes the columns on the device summary report.



Device ID

Specifies a unique identifier to identify the endpoint. Click the device ID icon to view a single device report.

MAC Address

Specifies the MAC address of the device. Click the MAC address to view a single device report.

Last Login Time

Specifies the last time the device was logged in.

Last Login IP

Specifies the last IP that the device logged in with.

Last Login Username

Specifies the username that the user logged in with.

Login Success

Specifies the number of successfully logins.

Login Failure

Specifies the number of failed logins.

Compliant Sessions

Specifies the number of compliant sessions.

Non-Compliant Sessions

Specifies the number of non-compliant sessions.

Remediated Sessions

Specifies the number of remediated sessions.

Total Session Length

Specifies the total session length.

Average Session Length

Specifies the average session length.


If a device has more than one MAC address in a session, then the value appearing in the MAC Address column will be multiple instead of the actual MAC addresses. Note that the value multiple is not hyperlinked.

Applying Data Filters

To apply a data filter:

1.Select System > Reports > Device Summary.

2.Select one of the following periods from the Date Range list box:

Last 24 Hours - (Default) Refers to the last 24 hours from the current hour.

Last 7 Days - Refers to current day and the previous last 6 days.

Last 30 Days - Refers to current day and the previous last 29 days.

3.Enter search criteria in one or more of the following columns:

Last Login Username

Mac Address

4.Click Apply Filter.

Figure shows the device summary report for Ivanti Connect Secure.


Sorting Records

The data source determines the default sort order of the data rows in the report. Typically, data appears randomly, so sorting is an important task in creating a useful report. You can sort single data columns or multiple columns.

To sort the device summary report:

1.Select System > Reports > Device Summary.

2.Select any one of the following columns and click either the ascending or descending order icon.

Last Login Time

Last Login Username

You can sort the column in either ascending order or descending order.

Figure shows the device summary report sorted by last login time for Ivanti Connect Secure.


Exporting Device Summary Report

To export device summary report:

1.Select System > Reports > Device Summary.

2.Select a Download Report option.

CSV - Exports the report in CSV format.

Tab Delimited - Exports the report in tab-delimited format.

Figure shows the export device summary report Ivanti Connect Secure.