
The Admin can perform the following configuration procedures:


The Admin must configure the archiving backup server details to transfer the files. You can also schedule the archiving jobs.

- The system does not continue to retry the process if it fails, and log files are not deleted.
- It is recommended to schedule an archive operation when traffic is low to minimize its impact on users. The automatic archiving process compresses files and may lead to performance issues.
- The daylight savings time (DST) must be considered while scheduling the archiving.

To configure log archiving:

  1. Select Maintenance > Archiving > Archiving Servers to display the configuration page.
  2. Complete the configuration as described in table.
  3. Save the configuration.



Archive Settings

Archive Server

Specify the fully qualified domain name or IPv4/IPv6 address of the server to which to send the archive files.

Destination Directory

Specify the destination directory. Follow these recommendations:

For UNIX systems, you can specify an absolute or relative path. We recommend you specify a full path.

For Windows systems, specify a path that is relative to the ftp root directory. We recommend you specify a full path.



Do not include a drive specification for the destination directory, such as: secure/log.


Specify a username that has privileges to log into the server and write to the destination directory.


Specify the corresponding password.


Select SCP, FTP, AWS S3 or Azure Storage.

SCP is the default method. SCP is a file transfer utility similar to FTP. SCP encrypts all data during transfer. When the data reaches its destination, it is rendered in its original format. SCP is included in most SSH distributions and is available on all major operating system platforms.

AWS S3: Push backup configurations and archived logs to Amazon AWS S3 bucket. For more details, refer to Ivanti Connect Secure Virtual Appliance on Amazon AWS Cloud Deployment Guide.

Azure Storage: Push backup configurations and archived logs to Microsoft Azure storage. For more details, refer to Ivanti Connect Secure Virtual Appliance on Microsoft Azure Cloud Deployment Guide.

Archive Schedule

Archive events log

Schedule archiving for the Events log. The archive file has the following format:


For example, an archive file for a cluster named Gen has a filename similar to the following: PulseSecureEventsLog-Gen-node1-Root-20090109-1545.gz.

The archiving schedule configuration includes the following options:

Use this filter-Select a log format filter.

Day of week-Select the days of the week on which to run the archiving job.

Every hour or a Specified Time. Every hour option runs a job every hour on the hour for the selected days. The specified time option runs a job once on the selected days.

Clear log after archiving. Select this option to clear the local log file after the archiving job is successfully completed. If an archive job fails, the log files are not deleted.

Archive user access log

Schedule archiving for the User Access log. The archive file has the following format:

PulseSecureAccessLog-[clustername|standalone]- [nodename|hostname]-[date]-[time]

The archiving schedule configuration includes the same options as those described for the Events log.

Archive admin access log

Schedule archiving for the Admin Access log. The archive file has the following format:

PulseSecureAdminLog-[clustername|standalone]- [nodename|hostname]-[date]-[time]

The archiving schedule configuration includes the same options as those described for the Events log.

Archive system configuration

Schedule archiving for the system configuration binary file (system.cfg). The archive file has the following format:

PulseSecureConf-[clustername|standalone]- [nodename|hostname]-[date]-[time]

The archiving schedule configuration includes the same day, time, and password-protection options as those described for the Events log.

Archive user accounts

Schedule archiving for user account configuration binary file (user.cfg). The archive file has the following format:

PulseSecureUserAccounts-[clustername|standalone]- [nodename|hostname]-[date]-[time]

The archiving schedule configuration includes the same day, time, and password-protection options as those described for the Events log.

Archive XML configuration

Schedule archiving for the XML configuration files.

The archiving schedule configuration includes the same day and time options as those described for the Events log.

Archive debug log

Enable archiving for collected debug logs.

You cannot specify a day and time for archiving debug logs. If you select this option, debug logs are archived periodically and cleared if the Clear log after archiving option is selected.

Archive periodic snapshots

Enable archiving for snapshots.

You cannot specify a day and time for archiving periodic snapshots. If you select this option, snapshots are archived periodically.

Backup and Restore

Using the backup and restore feature the Administrator can take the system and user account backup and restore it as needed.

System allows you to save five system configuration backups and five user account backups on the local server.

To manage configuration file backups:

  1. Select Maintenance > Archiving > Local Backups to display the configuration page.
  2. Use the controls to backup or restore the configuration as described in the following table.
  3. Save the configuration.



System Configuration

Save Configuration

Create a backup of the running configuration.


Select a row in the table and click Delete to delete the backup.


Select a row in the table and components in the “Include when restoring” column and click Restore to replace the running configuration with the archived configuration.

User Configuration

Save Configuration

Create a backup of the running configuration.


Select a row in the table and click Delete to delete the backup.


Select a row in the table and click Restore to replace the running configuration with the archived configuration.

Importing/Exporting Binary System Configuration Files

Ivanti Policy Secure(IPS) enables you to import and export the system and network settings using binary system configuration files. When importing a system configuration file, you can exclude the device certificate and the server’s IP address or network settings from the imported information. For example, to set up multiple IPS systems behind a load balancer, import everything except for the IP address. To set up the system as a backup server, import everything except for the digital certificate and the network settings. The binary system configuration file includes the following settings:

  • Network settings
    • Certificates. The system imports only device certificates, not the chains that correspond to the device certificates or trusted client CAs.
  • Cluster configuration
    • Licenses. When you import a configuration file that contains licenses, the system gives precedence to any existing licenses. Licenses are imported only if no licenses are currently installed.
  • Client-side logs. To import or export client-side logs, import or export both the system and user configuration files.

Import of system and user configuration across different hardware platforms is not supported.
You can import a FIPS configuration file into a non-FIPS device and vice versa if you do not include the certificate and security world in the import process.

To export a binary system configuration file:

  1. Select Maintenance > Import/Export > Import/Export Configuration to display the configuration page.
  2. Complete the configuration and import/export operation as described in the following table.





Password for configuration file

Specify a password to encrypt and secure the configuration file.

Confirm password

Specify the password.

Save Config As

Display a dialog box to save the file to your local host.


Import Device Certificate(s)?

Overwrite the existing device certificate(s) with the ones in the imported configuration file.

NOTE: When importing a device certificate in to a FIPS device, note that you must choose a certificate that uses a FIPS-compliant private key. To ensure FIPS-compliance, select a certificate and corresponding security world private keys were generated on a FIPS device.

Other Import Options

Import everything (except Device Certificate(s))

Import all settings except the device certificate.

Import everything but the IP address

Do not overwrite the existing configuration for network interface IP addresses, netmask, default gateway, virtual interfaces, ARP tables, and route tables. Use this option only if the exported configuration file is from a standalone node.

To set up multiple nodes in a cluster behind a load balancer, import everything except the IP address.

Import everything except network settings and licenses

Do not allow the imported configuration to change the existing configuration for settings found in the Network Settings and Licensing sections. With this option, network configurations, licenses, cluster configurations, certificates, defined SNMP settings and syslog configurations are not imported. Always use this option if configuration file was exported from a node that is part of a cluster.

To set up a backup node, import everything except network settings and digital certificates.

Import only Device Certificate(s)

Import the device certificate(s) only.

Config file

Use the browse button to locate and select the file from your local host.


Specify the password (if applicable).

Import Config

Import the configuration file.

Importing/Exporting Binary User Configuration Files

Ivanti Policy Secure(IPS) allows you to import/export the system and network settings using binary configuration files. In general, if a menu item falls under the Authentication, Administration, or Users menu, the item is included in the user configuration file (user.cfg).

The user configuration file includes the following settings:

  • Sign-in settings (includes sign-in policies, sign-in pages, all authentication servers, authentication protocol sets, Ivanti Secure Access Client settings)
  • Authentication realms (including admin realms, user realms, and MAC authentication realms)
  • Roles
  • Network access.
  • Infranet Enforcers.
  • Host Enforcer.
  • Resource policies
  • User accounts
  • Client-side logs. To export or import client-side logs, export or import both the system and user configuration files.

To export a binary user configuration file:

  1. Select Maintenance > Import/Export > Import/Export Users to display the configuration page.
  2. Complete the configuration and export/import operation as described in the following table.





Password for configuration file

(Optional) Specify a password to encrypt and secure the configuration file.

Confirm password

Specify the password.

Save Config As

Display a dialog box to save the file to your local host.




Locate and select the file from your local host.


Specify the password (if applicable).

Import Config

Import the configuration file.

Importing/Exporting XML Configuration Files

The Admin can save the system and user configuration in XML format. This enables the system to replicate the configurations.

This will help in the following use cases:

  • Adding to the configurations of peer nodes, for example, adding many users.
  • Modifying multiple instances of a single setting, for example, an authentication server name.
  • Deleting settings, for example, deleting authentication servers that are no longer used.
  • Creating a configuration template to use for setting up new nodes.
  • Tracking configuration changes by comparing differences on periodic exports.

Guidelines and Limitations

Table summarizes the guidelines and limitations for using the XML import/export feature.


Guidelines and Limitations


The following guidelines and limitations apply:

  • You can import and export configuration files only between systems running the same software version.
  • You might find it useful to use a text editor to modify configuration elements that ought to be distinguished, such as configuration object names and descriptions. Never modify the names of the NIC identifiers. The system relies on knowing that each appliance has two interface cards, known as NIC0 and NIC1.
  • Immediately after importing an Active Directory authentication server configuration, you must edit the configuration to change the Computer Object name. Unexpected problems might arise if two systems join an Active Directory domain using the same Computer Object name.


The following rules apply to exported and imported licenses:

  • You cannot edit the license data that is exported. It is encrypted.
  • An XML import of licenses is valid only if the system does not currently have a license installed. If a license is installed already, any imported licenses are dropped. If you still intend to import a license, you must perform a factory reset before you perform the import operation.
  • If you import a license after deleting a temporary license, the imported license is dropped because you might still be able to reactivate the deleted license. The import operation preserves any licensing data.


The following guidelines apply to importing a configuration file for nodes that belong to a cluster:

  • When you perform an import operation on a cluster, all the cluster nodes must be enabled and running. If you attempt to import a configuration into a cluster in which a node is not running, the import operation might hang or your import results might be unpredictable.
  • The XML configuration that you import must contain the same set of nodes as the original cluster. The signature used to synchronize the cluster when the nodes are reenabled is derived from the IP addresses of the cluster nodes. Therefore, the remaining nodes cannot rejoin the cluster if the imported configuration yields a different signature.
  • When import occurs, the imported configuration file overwrites the node-specific cluster configuration network settings of the remaining nodes. If you change the node-specific network settings, make sure you do not make the remaining nodes unreachable.
  • After you have exported the file, do not modify settings that could render the primary node unreachable, such as changes to network settings.
  • After you have exported the file, do not modify the XML to change the node name, IP address, or IP netmask.
  • After you have exported the file, do not modify virtual port settings or add new virtual port settings.

To export/import an XML configuration file:

  1. Select Maintenance > Import/Export > Export/Import XML to display the configuration page.
  2. Complete the configuration and export/import operation as described in the following table.




Schema Files

Schema files

Download the XML schema definition (.xsd) files that describe the XML.

Select Settings and Export

Expand All

Expand the display of all settings groups.

Select All

Select all settings for all groups.


Export the selected configuration data to an XML file.



Expand this group and select settings found under the System menu.

Do not select the DMI Agent unless Technical Support instructs you to do so.


Expand this group and select settings found under the Sign-in menu.

Endpoint Security

Expand this group and select settings found under the Endpoint Security menu.

ESAP packages are encrypted when exported.

Authentication Realms

Expand this group and select authentication realm settings, including user realms and MAC address authentication realms.


Expand this group and select settings found under the Roles menu.

Resource Policies

Expand this group and select settings resource policies settings.

Ivanti Secure Access Client

Expand this group and select settings found under the menu.

Local User Accounts

Expand this group and select local authentication server settings.

Infranet Enforcer

Expand this group and select settings found under the Infranet Enforcer menu.

Network Access

Policy Secure only.


Expand this group and select settings found under the Maintenance menu.

Export Settings


Export the selected configuration data to an XML file.



Schema Files

Schema files

Download the XML schema definition (.xsd) files that describe the XML.


XML data file

Locate and select the XML file.


Import the file. The Import XML Results page is displayed. This page contains information about the imported network settings, roles, resource policies, and other settings. If there are errors in the XML, the import operation stops and rolls back the configuration to the previous state. Error messages are displayed on the Import XML Results page.

Exporting Universal XML

The Universal Export Page is used to create XML configuration data that can be imported by either IPS or ICS. This export page only contains configuration items that can be imported by either appliance type. To export the entire configuration including appliance specific configuration data use the Export page.

Modifying Configuration XML Files

This topic provides guidelines for modifying an exported configuration file.

Understanding the XML Export File

When you export a configuration file, the system saves the configuration as an XML file. The data in the exported file is based on the selections you make when you configure the export operation. The file contains all the required XML processing instructions and namespace declarations, which must be included exactly as defined.

Table provides some basic information and guidelines to help you understand the structured XML used in the export file.



XML schema definition (.xsd) file

The export is based on an XML schema. The schema is a separate file that defines the metadata, and that serves as a model or a template for the exported file. Use the XML schema file to:

  • Identify the structure and sequence of configuration objects.
  • Identify optional and required elements, allowable values, default values, and other attributes of the configuration objects.

You can download the XML schema definition (.xsd) file in either of the following ways:

  • From the XML Import/Export pages by clicking a link.
  • From the URL where the files are stored on the system (you do not need to sign in).

To access the .xsd file, access the following URL:



An element is a discrete XML unit that defines an object or part of an object. The element typically consists of a pair of tags that may or may not surround string data. Tags are surrounded by angle brackets (< >).


Namespaces allow you to use the same words or labels in your code from different contexts or XML vocabularies. Prefixing elements with namespace qualifiers allows the XML file to include references to different objects that originate in different XML vocabularies and that share the same name. If you do not prefix elements with namespace qualifiers, the namespace is the default XML namespace, and you refer to element type names in that namespace without a prefix.

When you see namespace identifiers in your XML files, you do not need to be concerned about them, as long as you do not delete or modify the identifiers.

Element Sequence

You should avoid changing the sequence of elements in the XML file, whenever possible. Although the schema does not enforce sequence in all cases, you gain no benefit from changing the order of elements from the order in which they appear in the exported file, and, in some cases, you might invalidate the XML structure by changing element sequence.

Every XML tag fits into one of the following XML tag types:

  • Start tag—Defines the beginning of an element. The start tag consists of an open angle bracket (<), a name, zero or more attributes, and a close angle bracket (>). Every start tag must be followed by an end tag at some point in the document.
  • End tag—Defines the end of an element. The end tag consists of an open angle bracket and a forward slash (</), followed by the same name defined in its corresponding start tag, and ends with a close angle bracket (>).
  • Empty tag—The empty tag is denoted in two forms. If a tag pair has no data between them, the tag pair is considered an empty tag. Officially, according to the XML specification, an empty tag looks something like this:
    <<empty tag example/>>

In this form, the empty tag consists of an open angle bracket (<), followed by an element name, a slash and a close angle bracket (/>). When you see an empty tag in your configuration files, it signifies an element that the schema requires to be included in the XML file, but whose data is optional.

Start tags can contain attributes, and tag pairs (elements) can contain additional elements. The following example shows an XML file for the Users object. In this example, you see only the Administrator configuration settings.

<configuration xmlns=""

<fullname>Platform Administrator</fullname>

You make changes to the string data that is displayed between start and end tags. For example, using the preceding example, you can add to or change the following elements:


<fullname>Platform Administrator</fullname>




The preceding sample displays the password element’s data as encrypted data. You can modify the password if you change the element to password-clear text. If you modify the password, the password value is visible until it is imported back into the system. Once imported, the system encrypts the password.

If you enter passwords for new users in clear text format, the passwords are visible in the file, therefore, you might consider setting the Change Password at Next Login option to true.

- Use the password-clear text element and enter a text password when changing passwords through the XML file.
- If you change a user for a given authentication server or an authentication server for a given user, you are creating a different user, not updating an existing user or authentication server. User and authentication server together logically define a unique user.

Comparing Configuration Settings

The elements in the XML file are closely related to the objects and their options as you see them in the admin console. The element names in the XML instance file correlate closely with the displayed object and option names.

For example, select Users > User Roles > [Role] > General > Session Options. The admin console renders the possible values for a roaming session as an option button group, consisting of the values:

  • Enabled
  • Limit to subnet
  • Disabled

The following snippet from the exported configuration file shows the session options for the Users role. On the bolded line, the roaming session option is disabled:

<RoamingNetmask />

In the schema file, you can locate the allowable values for the roaming session option:

<Attribute roaming:START>
<xsd:element name="roaming" minOccurs="0">
<xsd:enumeration value="enabled">
<xsd:enumeration value="limit-to-subnet">
<xsd:enumeration value="disabled">
<Attribute roaming:END>

To change the value for the roaming session from Disabled to Limit to subnet, replace disabled with limit-to-subnet.

This example shows that the admin console often provides all the allowable values, displayed either in an option button group, as check boxes, as list boxes, or as other types of user interface components. The XML file displays only the current state of your configuration. The schema file displays all the actual values for the configuration options that are supported.

Understanding Referential Integrity Constraints

The system configuration objects are part of a data model that is enforced using referential integrity constraints. You cannot change these constraints, but you should understand them before you attempt to delete objects that maintain dependencies to other objects.

If you violate the referential integrity constraints, your import operation fails.

In the figure, the boxes represent object types and the arrows represent dependent relationships between the object types. Arrows point from dependent objects to objects.

The system does not allow you to delete an object on which another object depends. Conversely, when you add an object, you must add any other objects on which that object depends.

Sign-in URLs depend upon realms and sign-in pages. Realms depend upon both authentication servers and roles. Policies depend upon roles. Users depend upon authentication servers.

Consider the following scenarios based on the preceding figure:

If you add sign-in URLs, you must add realms, sign-in pages, roles, and authentication servers. You need to add an authentication server and at least one role to support the realm, and you must add the realm and the sign-in page to support the new sign-in URL.

  • If you add a user, you must be able to assign it to an authentication server. If there is no authentication server on the target node yet, you must add one in the XML file.
  • If you add a policy, you must be able to assign it to a role. If there is no role on the target system, you must add one in the XML file.
  • If you delete an authentication server, you might strand realms and users, therefore, you need to make sure no realms or users depend on the authentication server before you attempt to delete it.
  • If you delete a role, you might strand policies and realms. To delete a role, you must first delete any policy that depends upon the role, or reassign associated policies to another role. Also, to delete a role, you must first delete or reassign any realm that depends upon that role.
  • If you delete a sign-in page, you might strand one or more sign-in URLs. To delete a sign-in page, you must first delete any associated sign-in URLs or reassign them to other sign-in pages.

Referential integrity checks are performed only during XML import.

Using Operation Attributes

Operation attributes define the positioning or action of XML data within the schema. If you do not specify an operation attribute, the modified data is merged by default.

XML data with an operation attribute has the following format:

<object1 xc:operation="operator for object1 and its children unless new operator is defined">

<object3 xc:operation="operator for object3">




The operation attribute is applied to all children objects unless a different operation attribute is defined in children objects.

The following operation attributes are supported:

  • Merge—The configuration data identified by the element that contains this attribute is merged with the configuration at the corresponding level in the configuration datastore identified by the target parameter. This is the default behavior.
  • Replace—The configuration data identified by the element that contains this attribute replaces any related configuration in the configuration datastore identified by the target parameter. Only the configuration present in the configuration parameter is affected.
  • Create—The configuration data identified by the element that contains this attribute is added to the configuration if and only if the configuration data does not already exist on the device.
  • Delete—The configuration data identified by the element that contains this attribute is deleted in the configuration datastore identified by the target parameter.
  • Insert before—Changes the position of a configuration element in an ordered set.
  • Insert after—Changes the position of a configuration element in an ordered set.
  • Rename—Changes the name of one or more of a configuration object's identifiers.

If you are merging a list of objects to an existing list of objects in the configuration store, the results of the merged list might be unexpected. During a merge operation, the order of the objects in the new list is not maintained. If you are importing a list of objects and would like to preserve the order of the new list, you should use the replace operation attribute. You can also use insert before or insert after to ensure that you produce the hierarchy that you intended.

Operation attributes are applied to elements recursively unless new operators are also defined within lower-level elements. There are limitations on the legal operator that can be used in child elements without conflict with the parent operator. Table shows the legal operator relationships between parent and child elements.

Child > V-Parent





Insert before

Insert after




































































The following examples demonstrate the import operation:

Example 1: Set the MTU to 1500 on an interface named "Ethernet0/0" in the running configuration.


Example 2: Add an interface named “Ethernet0/0” to the running configuration, replacing any previous interface with that name.

<interface xc:operation="replace">

The default import modes have the following equivalent attributes on the root object of the configuration tree:
- Standard Import is always a merge operation.
- Quick Import is a create operation.
- Full Import is a replace operation.

Example: Importing/Exporting XML file configuration to add Multiple Users

This example shows how to use the configuration XML file import/export feature. The example is illustrative. There are additional ways to use export files.

Assume you have just added a new device to the network, and you want to add your 2,000 users to the system. Instead of adding them one at a time in the admin console, you want to perform a mass import You can export the user accounts, extract the relevant XML that defines users, replicate each element as needed, and then import them. In this situation, your configuration should include the option to force the users to change their passwords the first time they log in to the system.

In this procedure, you only see examples for User 1, User 2, and User 2000. All other users are included in your import file. You set the passwords to numbered instances of the word password, such as password1, password2, and so on. All users in this example are assigned to the same auth server, although you can specify any combination of auth servers that are valid on your system.

To add multiple new users:

  1. Select Maintenance > Import/Export > Export XML.
  2. Follow the instructions to export local user accounts.
  3. Save the exported file as users.xml.
  4. Open the users.xml file.
  5. Copy and paste the User container element repeatedly until you have added the necessary number of users. Although the example shows only three new users, you might add hundreds of new users to the file.
  6. Update the appropriate data in each User container element as shown in Example: Updating the User container.
  7. Save the users.xml file.
  8. Select Maintenance > Import/Export > XML Import/Export > Import.
  9. Click Browse to locate and select your users.xml file.
  10. Click Import.

Example: Updating the User container
<configuration xmlns=""




<name>System Local</name>

Pushing the Configuration

The push configuration feature supports simple configuration management across an enterprise without requiring you to deploy the systems as a cluster. You push a partial configuration from the running configuration on the source system to the running configuration on one or more target systems.

It is not desirable to push some groups of settings to a running configuration, so the following groups of settings are not supported:

  • Network configurations
  • Licenses
  • Cluster configurations
  • Certificates
  • SNMP settings
  • Syslog server settings
  • Push configuration targets

Guidelines and Limitations

Table summarizes the guidelines and limitations for using the push configuration feature.


Guidelines and Limitations


The following guidelines and limitations apply:

  • You can push a configuration to systems running the same software version (same build number) or higher software version.
  • The source device pushes data over the management port (if configured) or the internal port. The target device can receive data over the internal or external port or management port.
  • You can push to a single target or to multiple targets. For example, if you install several new systems, you can push a common configuration to set their initial configuration.
  • When a configuration push job begins on a target, no warning is displayed, and the administrators are automatically logged out to avoid potential conflicts.
  • For selected configuration push, if the configuration to be pushed contains one or more JAM packages, we recommend you to push the JAM packages first considering one JAM package per push and then push the remaining configurations.
  • When the job has completed on a target, the target device restarts its services. Brief interrupts might occur while the service restarts. You must push to targets when they are idle or when you can accommodate brief interruptions.
  • You must delete the failed push jobs before performing a new push.
  • For entire configuration push, when pushing settings such as FIPS settings, security settings on a target even though the job has completed on a target, you might see a connection lost message on the source. You can resume the actual job to see the status and even though the source says connection lost the import will be successful.


The push configuration job does not push licenses or licensing settings.


  • You can push a configuration to target that is a member of a cluster, if the target is not a member of the same cluster as the source.
  • You can push a configuration to multiple targets, if targets are not part of the same cluster.
  • You must not perform the clustering operations such as adding a cluster, deleting a cluster, and so on when performing a push configuration. If such events occur, then unsuccessful jobs will be aborted and the backup files will be deleted.
  • You must not use VIPs during push configuration. Instead you must use the internal IP or the management IP of one of the nodes to create the target.
  • You must delete the backed-up configuration on the target node(s) as soon as possible to free up the disk space.

Configuring Targets

To configure push configuration targets:

  1. Select Maintenance > Push Config > Targets to display the target list and source options configuration page.
  2. Complete the configuration for the source options as described in table.
  3. Click New Target to display the configuration page for targets.
  4. Complete the configuration as described in table.
  5. Save the configuration.



    Allow this system to be a target

    Select this option to allow the system to accept configuration pushed from another system. This option must be selected on targets, but does not have to be selected on the source system.

    Validate target server certificate

    Select this option on the source system if you want the source system to validate the target system server certificate before pushing the configuration.

    Save Changes

    Click this button if you have changed the source device configuration options described above.


    Select a row in the table and click Delete to remove the target from the list. You cannot delete a target if it has push configuration results associated with that target.




    Specify a name to identify the target within the system. Target names and target sign-in URLs cannot be edited after they have been saved.

    Sign-in URL

    Specify the URL for the administrator sign-in page. Sign-in URLs cannot be edited after they have been saved.

    Admin Username

    Specify an account on the target system that the push configuration job can use to sign-in and make changes to the configuration. The job can make wide-ranging configuration changes, so the user must have full administrative privileges. In other words, the user must belong to the. Administrators role.


    Specify the corresponding password.

    Auth. Realm

    Specify the administrator authentication realm on the target system. The access management framework must be configured so that the job process (run as the username specified above) can sign in without any human interaction. For example, you cannot have dynamic credentials or multiple roles that are not merged, as these both require manual interaction.

    We recommend that you create an administrator account on each target that can be used exclusively for push configuration. Configure the administrator realm so that the realm policy and role mapping rules do not result in prompts requiring human interaction. For example, the user must be able to log in with static password authentication or two-factor tokens that do not use challenge-response type authentication. For example, certificates, Soft ID, and Defender Authentication are not supported.

Configuring Push Settings

To configure the settings to be pushed:

  1. Select Maintenance > Push Config > Push Configuration to display the configuration page.
  2. Complete the configuration and push configuration operation as described in the following table.



    Select Settings and Export

    What to push

    Select Selected configuration or Entire configuration.

    If you select Selected configuration, the page displays controls to select settings groups.

    If you select Entire configuration, all settings from the source system are pushed, except for the following:

    • Network configurations
    • Licenses
    • Cluster configurations
    • Certificates
    • SNMP settings
    • Syslog server settings
    • Push configuration targets

    Expand All

    Click this button to expand the display of all settings groups.

    Select All

    Click this button to select all settings for all groups.



    Expand this group and select settings found under the System menu.

    NOTE: You cannot push host-specific network settings to a target. If you want to copy these settings to another system, use the configuration XML file import/export feature.


    Expand this group and select settings found under the Sign-in menu.

    Endpoint Security

    Expand this group and select settings found under the Endpoint Security menu.

    ESAP packages are encrypted when exported.

    Authentication Realms

    Expand this group and select authentication realm settings, including user realms and MAC address authentication realms.


    Expand this group and select settings found under the Roles menu.

    Resource Policies

    Expand this group and select settings resource policies settings.

    Ivanti Secure Access Client

    Expand this group and select settings found under the menu.

    Local User Accounts

    Expand this group and select local authentication server settings.

    Infranet Enforcer

    Policy Secure only.

    Expand this group and select settings found under the Infranet Enforcer menu.

    Network Access

    Policy Secure only.

    Expand this group and select settings found under the Network Access menu.


    Expand this group and select settings found under the Maintenance menu.

    Push Configuration

    Available Targets / Selected Targets

    Use the Add and Remove buttons to select the targets.

    Overwrite duplicate settings

    Select this option to overwrite settings on the target that have the same name as settings being pushed.

    If you do not select this option, the push configuration job copies only configuration objects that have names different from the configuration objects on the target.

    Allow Rollback to previous configuration

    Select this option to revert to a previous configuration state, effectively rolling back configuration changes.

    If you select this option, the local configurations on the target node will be backed up before importing the configurations. You can also undo the push configuration if you want to discard the changes and revert to the previous state. We recommend you to delete the backed-up configuration if the import is successful.

    If the target configuration is large the rollback of configurations can take several minutes to complete.


    Enter the description for the job. The job description is limited to 100 characters.

    Schedule Import on Target

    Select this option to allow a delayed import on the target node. If you select this option, the selection applies to all the targets in the job. The import schedule is measured in HH:MM (hours, minutes) format. The schedule is specified according to source's time zone.

    Push Configuration

    Click this button to push the selected configuration data to the specified targets.

    You can pause the push for a target during the push process. If errors occur during the push process, the job stops, and the configuration for the target is not imported. However, you can resume the failed push jobs. Error messages are displayed on the Results page.

    If you have specified multiple targets and a push configuration job to a target fails, the job continues to the next target until specified targets are updated (or fail). The results page displays the status and any problems encountered during the process.

Viewing Configuration Push Results


The source system saves and displays the push configuration results in the Results tab.


To view push configuration job results:

  1. Click the Select Maintenance > Push Config > Results to display the results page.
  2. Click a job name to display additional information about the job.
  3. Select a job and click Delete to remove it from the results page.

The following table describes the information displayed on the Results page and the various management tasks you can perform.

GUI Element


Disk Usage Details

Displays the disk space available for push configuration and the disk space consumed by all the push jobs in the device.

The disk space consumed by individual push jobs are also mentioned across each push job under the disk usage column. When total disk space consumed reaches the total disk space push jobs may fail and you can see the results column to see the failure message. You need to monitor the disk space consumed by push configuration to avoid push failures related to disk space limits.

Description Column

Displays the type of the push configuration.

Disk Usage Column

Displays the disk space used by the job.

Results Column

Displays the status of the transfer and result of post push action. It also displays the status of the push such as log in, export, transfer, backup, import and so on. The status result message shows the type of data that is getting transferred. For a paused or failed target the information on the current state of the job when it is paused, or failure reasons if any is displayed. This column also shows the progress of data transfer using a bar chart. For selected push, additional configuration data (additional configuration data refers to configuration that is transferred only if it is modified or not available on the target) includes ESAP package, JAM package, VDI configurations, Terminal services, Host Checker files, Custom sign in pages and notifications, and Applet files. For complete configuration push, additional data includes ESAP and JAM packages.

Post Push Action

Displays the options that the user can perform after the push such as roll back and delete backup. It also displays the post push actions such as rollback done, backup deleted, rollback failed, performing rollback, deleting back up and so on.


Select this option to resume a paused or a failed push.


Select this option to rollback to previous configuration that was backed up. Note that you can perform this operation only when the push is successful and Allow Rollback to Previous Configuration is selected. This option is available only if the backup is not deleted or undo is not done yet.


Select this option to cancel an entire push job or push to target within a job. An aborted push cannot be resumed.


Select this option to temporarily pause the push operation to a specified target.

Delete Backup

Select this option to delete the backup configuration on the specified target. Note that this option is available only when the users selects the Allow Rollback to Previous Configuration option during the push job.

Viewing Configuration Push History


The source/target system saves and displays up to 5 push history results per target/source in the History tab. When the history table reaches 5 entries, the system removes the oldest result data when the next push configuration job is started.


To view push configuration push history:

  1. Select Maintenance > Push Config > History to display the history page.
  2. Examine the history to verify success or learn the reasons the push job failed. The history page displays rollback history however the failure reason is not displayed. You can check the failure reason in the details page for each job. It also displays the timestamp history information of successful, failed push jobs, or if a configuration is undone.
  3. Select the source name and click Delete History to remove it from the History page.